Start fast, reliable
tech recruiting today
Skip the lengthy recruiting odyssey. Start hiring immediately with Europe’s largest developer community. Reach 200k+ developers you can’t find elsewhere, empower your employer brand and recruit unlimited tech roles at a year-round flat rate.
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Hiring tech talent is challenging.
Even if you do your homework as a recruiter.
Here’s why
You are only visible to active job seekers. That’s a painfully small pool of the general tech workforce.
In Germany for example, that means that you compete with all other employers for only 60,000 tech professionals across all tech roles. No wonder that filling your roles is a real struggle.
Here’s what you’re missing out on
This is the massive pool of tech talent that are open to new opportunities.
Even though they are not actively looking for a job, a 7 out of 10 tech professionals are open to new career opportunities - the so called “passive” candidates. Access to them is the holy grail of successful tech recruiting.
WeAreDevelopers is the only solution providing you access to both active and passive candidates, enabling you to uncover the full potential of your tech recruiting strategy.
WeAreDevelopers is a leading platform that provides developers and tech talent with valuable content, perfect-fit career opportunities, and outstanding online and in-person events all year long.
With our trusted developer brand and the massive reach to the developer audience, we help companies achieve their tech recruiting and employer branding goals faster than ever.
Reach active and passive candidates: Extend your reach to both active job seekers and the 70% of tech professionals who are open to new opportunities but are not actively looking for them.
Strengthen your employer brand: Showcase your company culture through developer success stories, emphasizing growth opportunities, innovative projects and more, to build your reputation as a tech employer of choice.
Year-round visibility and support: Gain premium visibility and comprehensive support in tech recruiting. Fill all your tech roles at a fixed price. Be a part of the WeAreDevelopers community 365 days a year. Plus, get access to the Tech Recruiting Summit for HR knowledge and networking opportunities.
Elevate your personal expertise: Gain insights into the latest trends, strategies, and best practices with knowledge resources, regular webinars, workshops and exclusively available content for our Community Partners only. Plus, get access to the legendary Tech Recruiting Summit.
Boost your recruitment with proven results
annual visitors
monthly subscribers
lower cost per hire
Every tech role covered. No exceptions.
Software Engineer
Full Stack
Embedded Systems
Game Development
AI Research
Technical Writing
Project Manager
System Admin
With a membership, we can establish our presence within the developer community all year long.
Carina Wagner
Director R&D TA, Dynatrace
Trusted by leading companies to improve their recruitment outcomes
Plans & Pricing
Hire developers at scale and build your employer brand on the fly
Developer Recruiting
€ 420
Billed annually
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Developer Recruiting
€ 420
Billed annually
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Unlimited Job Ads all year long
Up to 2 active Job Ads simultaneously
Employer brand page with storytelling features
Standard (1x) passive candidate reach on Magazine, LIVE and Watch
1 Tech Recruiting Summit Pass(es)
Developer Recruiting
€ 1,590
Billed annually
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Developer Recruiting
€ 1,590
Billed annually
Book a call
Unlimited Job Ads all year long
Up to 8 active Job Ads simultaneously
Employer brand page with storytelling features
Ultimate (4x) passive candidate reach on Magazine, LIVE and Watch
3 Tech Recruiting Summit Pass(es)
Ready to recruit, but need more options?
We’re here to assist you in finding the perfect talent for your organization.
Post a single Job Ad
  1. Start hiring immediately
  2. Advertise up to 60-days
  3. Enjoy automated matching
  4. From EUR 810.- per Job Ad
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