Ā»Hard to believe! This is the largest group Iā€™ve ever been in front of. Honored to be here. All the people Iā€™m meeting just
remind me of myself!Ā«

Steve Wozniak
Co-founder of Apple


Prepare for multiple days full of engaging activities and inspiring content. Here are the most important dates to keep in mind.

Day 0

17 July 2024
Pre-checkin &Ā badge pickup
Satellite events
Tech Leaders Night
for tech industry leaders, decision-makers, speakers and special guests

Day 1

18 July 2024
Official Congress Opening
Main Congress Program
Tech Expo (40,000+ sqm)
Booth Crawl
CODE100 Finals
Europe's Ultimate Coding Competition
Congress Party šŸ”„

Day 2

19 July 2024
Main Congress Program
CODE100 Ceremony
Tech Expo (40,000+ sqm)
Closing Keynote

The entire
Software Development Life Cycle

WeAreDevelopers WorldĀ Congress is the best place to get a complete overview of recent insights and future trends in modern software development.

Take the opportunity to grow your expertise and elevate your capabilities in crafting remarkable software and products.

ā€Software Development

Explore the latest advancements in modern software development. Gain insights into efficient coding practices and modern Ā programming techniques essential for today's software landscape.

Programming Languages

Mastering the
Cloud Ecosystem

Discover the evolving world of cloud computing. Learn about scalable cloud architectures, security best practices, and the integration of cloud services into your development workflow.

Cloud Computing
Cloud DevOps
Cloud Security

Staying Ahead with AIĀ &Ā Machine Learning

Dive into the practical applications of AI and machine learning. Understand how these technologies are being implemented to solve complex problems and enhance user experiences.

Machine Learning
Data Engineering
Deep Learning

Software Architecture

Learn how to build robust and scalable software. Dive into architectural patterns, design principles, and strategies to address evolving demands while ensuring stability and performance.

System Design
Design Patterns

Optimizing Workflows with DevOps Excellence

Enhance your DevOps strategy and learn about efficient CI/CD practices. Understand how to automate your pipeline for faster, more reliable software releases.

Best Practices

Leading the Edge with Emerging Tech

Stay ahead with emerging technologies and Ā uncover how the latest advancements in tech are being integrated into products, offering new opportunities.

Quantum Computing
Edge Computing

People & Culture

Explore the art of fostering a productive, inclusive work environment and leading teams effectively in the ever-evolving landscape of the tech industry.

Leadership Skills
Team Building
Soft Skills
Career Growth
Future of Work

Business &Ā Innovation

Bridge the gap between tech and business. Explore the essentials in developing successful tech-driven business strategies that drive growth and transformation.

Tech Leadership
Future Trends
Emerging Markets

Sneak Peek at the Sessions

As we compile the final conference program for this year's WeAreDevelopers World Congress, we're thrilled to give you a sneak peek into some of the insightful sessions awaiting you.

Stay tuned for a comprehensive schedule packed with groundbreaking talks and workshops designed to elevate your skills and inspire your projects.

More details will be unveiled soon!

Main Stage
Keynote by Jonas Andrulis
CEO and Founder of Aleph Alpha
Main Stage
Keynote by Demetris Cheatham and Thomas Dohmke
Cheatham (Chief of Staff at GitHub)
Thomas Dohmke (CEO of GitHub)
Main Stage
Keynote by Prashanth Chandrasekar
CEO of Stack Overflow
Main Stage
Keynote by Scott Farquhar
CEO and Co-Founder of Atlassian
Main Stage
Keynote by Douglas Crockford
Creator of JSON, JavaScript Author
Keynote by Brenda Romero
Award-winning Game Designer
Main Stage
Keynote by John Romero
Award-winning Game Creator | Father of FPS | DOOM, Quake, Wolfenstein
Main Stage
Keynote by Scott Chacon
Co-founder of GitHub, CEO of GitButler
Main Stage
Keynote by Chris Wysopal
CTO & co-founder Veracode
Frameworks & Libraries
Dos and don'ts with react hooks. An opinionated approach
Espino Garcia
Software Design Engineer at Mattermost
javascript react reactnative hooks

Function components on React introduced hooks, a completely different approach to how you deal with the component lifecycle. This has led to many discussions on when and where to use hooks.What values should be memoized with useMemo? When is needed useCallback? What should go in the dependency array? Why using useReducer if it does the same as useState? This talk tries to give a swallow look at the trade-offs of using different callbacks and advice on when to use them, with practical examples.

Java Ecosystem
Java's Project Loom & Co - the end for reactive programming?
Architect and Senior Consultant
reactive programming, java, jvm, threads, loom, performance, project loom, virtual threads

More often than not, modern and powerful software will at some point have to deal with processing a large amount of events and data. 100 incoming requests per minute can suddenly turn into thousands or more per minute. Appropriately sized hardware can deal with heavy load, if it is available. Well written software intelligently utilizes the available resources, such as memory, network, threads, etc.The JVM left a lot to be desired here. Especially when it came to managing a limited number of threads. They were an expensive commodity and concurrency is always difficult to implement. Reactive frameworks such as WebFlux, RxJava or Kotlin's coroutines closed this gap. However, these frameworks are cumbersome. They take some time to really master.But Project Loom, introduced with Java 21, offers virtual threads as a native Java feature to solve this problem. I will show how the new Java features compare to established reactive ways. Do they mean the end for reactive programming?

WebAssembly: The Next Frontier of Cloud Computing
Developer Relations Engineer @ SparkFabrik
webassembly, rust, docker, kubernetes, wasmtime, wasmedge, ci/cd

In this talk, we will explore how WebAssembly (Wasm) is poised to become a major player in the future of cloud computing. Wasm is a binary format that can be compiled from many different languages and run on a variety of operating systems and architectures. Its near-native performance, portability, and security make it an ideal solution for addressing the challenges of distributed application development, deployment, and maintenance.One of the fastest-growing Cloud Native trends is the adoption of Wasm, with projects such as Docker+Wasm launched with a partnership between Docker and the CNCFā€™s Wasm runtime WasmEdge. Wasm's efficiency and speed make it ideal for on-demand scaling, while its sandboxed environment and deny-by-default approach to granting access to capabilities provide enhanced safety and security.We will delve into the key value propositions offered by Wasm and how it can help address the challenges posed by the new cloud era, including security concerns.

Critical Security Mistakes in Frontend Applications
Software Engineer & Tech Founder @ CareerOS
frontend, security

In the fast-paced realm of modern web development, there's an alarming trend: the sidelining of security. As we become more dependent on comprehensive frameworks, there's a growing assumption that these tools are impenetrable fortresses against increasingly innovative attackers. This complacency can be costly. In this presentation, we will delve deep into the world of current web vulnerabilities, specifically focusing on modern front-end applications.You'll be equipped with a clear understanding of these risks and the best strategies to proactively counteract and combat them, ensuring a safer web environment for all users.

Tech Leaders Stage
Entrepreneurial Mindset as the Key to Success
Jimdo GmbH, CEO, Founder

Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset is very often the differentiating factor between success and stagnation. Matzeā€™s keynote explores the essential traits of an entrepreneurial mindset, addressing common challenges, such as imposter syndrome, the importance of self-belief and resilience. He illustrates various aspects of the entrepreneurial mindset with practical examples from his personal experience as a founder and inspiring stories of self-employed people heā€™s met as a part of his ā€œSelf-employment in 60 secondsā€ interview series. What sets entrepreneurial mindset apart is its potential to bring about positive change not only in one's own life but also for the world. The best part? Entrepreneurial mindset is something anyone can cultivate if they set their mind to it. Join the session to get inspired and learn practical tips on how to get started!

Frameworks & Libraries
Forward to the Past! Or how to make clean architecture and RSC friends
Frontend Team Lead at ETG
RSC, React, Next.JS, Clean Architecture

In modern frontend development, things are changing a lot, and the line between pure frontend and backend work is blurry. React Server Components make it tricky to decide if they belong to the frontend or backend because they have the word "server" in them. On the other hand, Server-Side Rendering (SSR) also has "server" in its name but has been seen as a frontend tool. So, it's a bit confusing.Starting a new project can be even harder when you don't fully understand the basics of your tools. That's why it's a good idea to go back to the basics and consider building new applications using server components and clean architecture.In this presentation, we'll dive into the core ideas of server components and look at how Vercel does it in Next.js. We'll also explore the option of using a clean architecture to start building applications in this new way.

Frameworks & Libraries
Leveraging Storybook for Component Driven Development outside of your classic Component Library.
Senior Software Engineer, Bloomberg
React, Storybook, React Testing Library

Component Driven Development focuses on building your UIs by starting with the individual components to then compose later into your pages. Letā€™s dig into how we can utilise Storybook to promote this paradigm, in the environment of large web apps that many of us work with daily. Iā€™ll take you on a journey from component creation, discussing best practices for API design, how to then write Stories to document your flexible component API and then compose those stories directly in your tests with React Testing Library to encourage UI driven testing. These are usually best practices we associate with traditional component libraries but complex web apps have a lot to learn from adopting this approach in setting them up for success.

Java Ecosystem
Improvement of Object Orientation through the Use of the Mirror Pattern
Director IT Excellence @esentri AG
Java, Mirror Pattern, OOP, Reflection

Developer teams are encouraged to solve basic functions centrally and transparently to save effort in repetitive tasks. One such approach is the use of the Mirror Pattern (bracha.org/mirrors.pdf).Initially, this presentation introduces the fundamentals of the Mirror Pattern. It discusses how a minimal Mirror Pattern can be established in a Java project and the prerequisites needed. The pattern is theoretically motivated and then demonstrated through a minimal reference implementation. Based on the example implementation, potential application areas are explored with examples, focusing on enhancing object orientation. Meta-programming via the Mirror can help reduce procedural code (often found in Spring applications) and enable developers to create intuitive, structured, and more reusable structures. Since there are no silver bullets, risks and experiences from over two years of practical use in projects are also considered.

Tools & Techniques
Upgrade Your Toolbox with IDE Extensions
Senior Software Engineer @ Nx
vscode, jetbrains, nx, typescript

Developers are like mechanics: we need a good set of tools to do our job. But reality is often dissapointing - cryptic CLI tools, confusing configuration files and dreadful docs are everywhere.What if we could do better? Using IDE extensions, you can greatly improve your toolsā€™ developer experience - and itā€™s not as scary as it seems!Are you trying to optimize the DX of a framework used by millions? Are you just trying to make your teamā€™s life a little bit easier? Either way, I will show you how you can rapidly go from idea to a working VSCode extension and solve real-world problems.

Product & Code Quality
Fake it until you `make it`. API Integration Testing with testcontainers and WireMock
Community Builder at WireMock, CNCF/CDF Ambassador, Jenkins maintainer
testcontainers, wiremock, api

Testcontainers has become one of the most popular tools for software integration testing. If you can put your system-under-test into a container, Docker compose cluster or a pod, this is what you're likely to use. If your target isn't ready, not containerizable or just too heavy for testing as is, you can always use mock testing frameworks, e.g. WireMock or MockServer in the JVM ecosystem. Can you combine both approaches? Sure! In this talk, we will classify integration testing and discuss areas for WireMock and Testcontainers, and discuss which tool to choose for each use-case. And why not both? We will discuss putting WireMock into Testcontainers, and getting best from them thanks to the new WireMock modules for Testcontainers. Last but not least, we will see how to put WireMock in front of the Testcontainers or your real system to do deeper tests or even chaos engineering. P.S: We will focus on the Java, Golang or Python examples, but the same approaches can be used everywhere

Frameworks & Libraries
How to Create New RxJS Operators
Backend Engineer at Jodel | Docker Captain | Snyk Ambassador
RxJS, TypeScript

RxJS has a flexible implementation comparing e.g. to RxJava, separating the operators from the observable object itself. This allows other developers to create their own operators and even publish them as third-party libraries. This is the case e.g. for the RxJSx library containing operators for dealing with arrays and tuples.In this talk, we will introduce the RxJS operators ecosystem, draw some examples from RxJSx to showcase how to use operators from a third-party library, and finally showcase how one can create their own operators.

Programming Languages
Dart - a language believed dead, experiences a new bloom
Head of Mobile & Web Development
Dart, VSCode,

Version 1.0 of Dart was released back in November 2013. Since then, it has always been very quiet around this language and it never really became successful. But now that Dart is the programming language behind the more than successful cross-platform framework Flutter, it is gaining more and more popularity.Dart comes with some very interesting and unique features. For instance, it is possible to compile not only "just in time" (JIT) and "ahead of time" (AOT) but also Dart code to Java Script.Using various examples and live coding, I will give you an insight into the programming language Dart and show you different features.Let me take you into the world of Dart and get inspired!

Soft Skills & Career
You don't have to choose
Principal Product Designer at Yelp
Bootstrapping, Indie hacking, General story

Ever felt torn between career growth and your entrepreneurial aspirations? In this talk, I'll share my experience working as a Principal Product Designer at Yelp while successfully bootstrapping businesses. Iā€™ll share stories from launching small businesses, growing them to 250k+ ARR, and getting acquired, all of while advancing my career at one of the worldā€™s biggest tech firm. Weā€™ll explore the advantages and challenges of this new work model, and how you can structure a career that works for you.

Cloud & Infrastructure
Seamless Transition to Serverless: A Step-by-Step Guide for Migrating from Kubernetes
Amazon Web Services - Senior Solution Architect
AWS CDK, Amplify, API Gateway, Lambda, and DocumentDB

Discover a simpler, cost-effective alternative to Kubernetes with serverless architectures. Learn how to migrate effortlessly using AWS services like Amplify, API Gateway, Lambda, and DocumentDB. Build a high-performance serverless app capable of handling heavy traffic. Gain insights into serverless benefits and AWS tools for successful application deployment.By the end of this talk, you will have a clear understanding of the benefits of serverless architectures and how to migrate to them. You will also have a working knowledge of AWS services that can help you build and deploy serverless applications.

Frameworks & Libraries
Next.js Unleashed: Optimizing Web Vitals for superior User Experience
Software Engineer @ MaibornWolff
next.js, webvitals, frontend, typescript

This talk focuses on Next.js, the hyped JavaScript framework developed by Vercel. Specifically, I address how Next.js features such as Image Optimization and Dynamic Imports impact practical applications. To do this, I measure the web vitals of a sample application and optimize them using Next.js features.By this, we will find out of what specific benefits individual optimizations in our new favorite frontend framework have and what we should focus on. Come & join if you want to gain practical insights and actionable strategies for maximizing website performance and user engagement through the lens of Next.js and Web Vitals!

Web, Mobile, UI/UX
Insight into AI-Driven Design
Product Designer at Glanceable, Community Leader, and Tech Innovator.
AI, Design Principles, User-Centric Design, UX/UI, Machine Learning, Automation in Design

Join Madalena as she unravels the dynamic influence of AI on the design ecosystem in our rapidly advancing technological realm. This talk will dissect the integration of AI within design, examining its influence on fundamental principles, the revolution of tools, and the evolution of creative processes. Participants will navigate from AI fundamentals to its deep-seated effects on user-driven design strategies. Discover how designers can leverage AI to innovate and refine user experiences, transforming challenges into cutting-edge solutions. Engage with us to shape the future of design.

Cloud & Infrastructure
Into the hive of eBPF!
Backend engineer, Spotify
ebpf, cloud, linux

The buzz around eBPF is growing quickly and it is rising as an essential component for observability, security, tracing and networking within the cloud native ecosystem. In fact, it is changing the way we think about operating systems by opening the doors to fully customize the Linux kernel as a platform.In this session, we will cover the fundamentals of eBPF,its internals and core architecture. We will also delve into building real world examples and how developers can benefit from getting an inside look into their applications without code instrumentation, getting traces, analyzing the performance and identifying possibilities to improve using eBPF.We will also cover eBPF's benefits for cloud-native environments, highlighting its expanding landscape allowing to harness eBPF power and unlock its potential.

Tech Leadership
Features AMPLIFIED: Engineering Lessons from Media Tech Giants
Director, Product and Engineering (Projects and Organisation), Axel Springer National Media & Tech
TypeScript, Open AI, Python, Kafka, DevOps, AdTech, Kotlin, Java

To say Axel Springer National Media and Tech deals in complexity is an understatement: over 3 million unique users per day, serviced by 33 development teams, across 7 sections. As the tech provider behind some of Europe's biggest news media brands, even tiny features have a massive impact, but so too can bugs. From journalistic tools to big data and AI; from video streaming to websites and AdTech; from AR/VR to mobile apps: What is the tech behind the news? In this entertaining and useful talk, TEDx Speaker, Author, and Engineering Director Anna McDougall covers three of the most interesting technical developments in digital media engineering from the past year, and what every developer and team lead can learn from them.

How I saved 200K/yr in direct costs writing 0 code lines in K8s
aka Ingvord
kubernetes, ingress, elastic

In this session, the speaker will share their remarkable journey of designing and implementing a solution that transformed the company's analytics infrastructures, all without writing a single line of code. By leveraging the right tools and innovative thinking, the speaker successfully migrated customized HAproxy logs and custom logs storage systems to more scalable and streamlined architectures.Attendees will delve into the nitty-gritty details of how Haproxy ingress serves as the backbone of analytics pipelines, effortlessly delivering customized log messages to fluentbit acting as a syslog server. Through ingenious log splitting techniques, fluentbit effectively organizes the logs into multiple files, tailored to comply with custom storage requirements. Witness how filebeat effortlessly harvests these files, seamlessly transporting them to Elastic clusters.Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights, inspiration, and practical knowledge to implement your own low code solutions.

Chaos in Containers - Unleashing Resilience
A public speaker, a creator of things, a writer of books, a contributor to community, and yes, also an ambulance driver. Senior Developer Advocate @AWS
Containers, chaos engineering

In the world of modern software delivery, where containerization reigns supreme, ensuring the reliability and robustness of applications is paramount. Welcome to a dynamic and immersive session that takes you beyond the marketing hype and deep into the heart of chaos engineering within containerized environments.Step into the world of chaos engineering and containers in this engaging talk designed for developers, DevOps engineers, and SREs. No fluff, just practical insights. Learn how controlled chaos experiments can enhance the stability of your containerized applications. We'll explore real-world examples, debunk myths, and share actionable strategies. Discover how to fortify your systems using open-source solutions, AWS, and proven best practices. By the end of the talk, attendees will be equipped with practical insights and actionable steps to elevate their approach to system resilience using chaos engineering principles in containerized environments.

Total ReDoS: the dangers of regex in JavaScript
Developer advocate for Sonar

Regular expressions are complicated and can be hard to learn. On top of that, they can also be a security risk; writing the wrong pattern can open your application up to denial of service attacks. One token out of place and you invite in the dreaded ReDoS.In this talk weā€™ll track down the patterns that can cause this trouble, explain why they are an issue and propose ways to fix them now and avoid them in the future. Together weā€™ll demystify these powerful search patterns and keep your application safe from expressions that are anything but regular.

.NET Ecosystem
Architectures that we can use with .NET
Lead Software Engineer
architecture, .net, clean, onion, hexagonal, development

Different architectures and architectural approaches could be used with .NET applications. Layered, Hexagonal, Onion, Clean - that is not the complete list of what we can use with .NET apps. In this session, I will put together info about popular architectures and also the most exciting features and facts about architectures that are rarely used.This session is about development and related to developers. It is not dedicated primarily to business and enterprise architects but might be interesting also for them.

Emerging Tech & Innovations
Transforming Newspaper Readers into NFT holders
Journalist, Community Manager & Digital Artist
NFTs, Blockchain

Founded in 1946, ā€˜Handelsblattā€™ is Germanyā€™s leading financial newspaper with over 550.000 daily readers. Enabling such an interested, but also critical community for the web3 world is an ambitious endeavor. Through multiple projects (Community NFTs, holder meetings and event raffles, AI-Art NFTs) I wander outside my comfort zone ā€“ journalism ā€“ into community management, creation and brand transformation. NFTs have proven to be a vivid tool of attracting a new customer base to a traditional but progressive newspaper.

Emerging Tech & Innovations
XR Demystified: Separating Facts from Fiction in 2024
Team Manager for Mixed Reality @ Transition Technologies PSC
mixed reality, augmented reality, virtual reality, metaverse

"XR Demystified: Separating Facts from Fiction in 2024" is a thought-provoking talk aimed at software developers who have witnessed the highs and lows of Extended Reality (XR) but remain skeptical of its progress and potential. With a critical eye, we revisit the XR timeline, dissecting pivotal moments and products. This analysis aims to dispel common misconceptions and highlight how these advancements have shaped the industry. The focus then shifts to the current state of XR, showcasing recent evolution in hardware and software that demonstrate its growing impact across various industries.This talk also simplifies the technicalities of XR development, making it accessible for developers looking to transition into this field. We discuss practical applications, emerging tools, and opportunities for innovation. Concluding, we explore XR's future impact on digital interaction, urging developers to rediscover XR with a clear-eyed view of its potential and challenges.

Navigating the Impact of AI, Developer Experience and Communities on Software Security
GitHub Security Lab
CI/CD, Supply Chain Security, GitHub Actions, GitHub Platform, Secrets, SDLC, SSDLC

Discover the impact of AI, Developer Experience (DevEx), and communities on software security through real-world examples derived from securely building GitHub using GitHub. Uncover valuable insights into the dynamic interplays between these three transformative forces, paving the way for a new era in software development and, consequently, for software security. This session will provide you with an exclusive behind-the-scenes perspective, offering insights into how GitHub enhances various elements of the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC), benefiting from each driving force and their interplays. We will explore practical strategies for software security, supply chain, secrets hygiene, automation and security culture. The audience will gain a deep understanding of industry-leading software practices, drawn from our experiences as developers helping others with security in a rapidly changing landscape.

We can do more if we own more. Developers: Let's take on operations.
Simple, Beautiful software development. Teaching @ h4n.link/courses
None, it's people oriented.

In this session, I'll discuss the challenges with different ways organizations structure themselves to operate software, such as "operations" teams, DevOps, SRE and Platforms. I'll discuss the tradeoffs of each, as well as settle on a design in which engineers take full accountability for operations (e.g. deploying, maintaining, alerting and being on call for their services) but that they're enabled through a product-driven platform organisation.I'll describe how to handle the transition between between a situation where operations responsibility is diffused between teams to a situation where teams wholely own the operations responsibility for their product, and then describe the positive benefits for the teams, the organization and the customers for doing so. In practice, this will be things like "observability", "on-call", "resilient design", "operations culture" and "leadership".

Frameworks & Libraries
Automate the Browser with Workers Browser Rendering API
Developer Advocate, Cloudflare
Puppeteer, Browser automation, Workers Workers Rendering

In this talk, we will explore how the Browser Rendering API can automate browser tasks. We will begin with an overview of Cloudflare Workers and how they enable running JavaScript at the edge. Then, we will discuss browser automation in detail, covering how to interact with the DOM, fill out forms, and scrape data from web pages. I'll showcase real-world examples of how browser automation with Cloudflare Workers can improve the user experience of web applications, and automate tasks, such as generating screenshots and PDFs of web pages, Attendees will gain a better understanding of how to use the Browser Rendering API to automate browser tasks and take their web development skills to the next level.

AI & Machine Learning
Chatbots are going to destroy infrastructures and your cloud bills
Head of Generative AI
AWS, Langchain, Next, FastAPI, Python

Chatbots introduced a new paradigm in Web Development, with requests to LLMs taking seconds to answer instead of the usual milliseconds. The choice of your framework & the way you build and implement features that are powered by Generative AI will determine the UX of your apps. Embedding, LLMs, Image generation, text to speech & speech to text all have an impact on your apps. Smartly integrating it in your product will make a huge difference. Embark with me on how I managed to reduce the cost and improve my Open-source (23k ā­ļø on Github) Second Brain infrastructure.

Lightning Talks
Finding Your Perfect Place in Tech
Full Stack SWE Intern @ Cisco Meraki | Curriculum, Training, & Logistics @ Kode With Klossy | Forbes 30 Under 30 Nominee
Diversity, Inclusion, Mentorship, CS Education

The tech industry is massive. You've probably heard "you can definitely find a role that matches your interest in tech", but what does that really mean? How do you know what YOUR perfect role is? There are researchers, developers, educators, founders, I could go on and on. How do you figure out which role best fits your interests and skills and how do you go about finding an opportunity that matches it? Come find out with me, Ume, a full stack engineer who has done tech research, worked in the gaming industry, worked as a tech educator, pretty much everything you can think of I've tried. After so much trial and error, I can finally provide some insights as to how you can leverage any opportunity to guide you to your dream position.

Software Architecture & Design
Beyond micro-services, embrace composable architecture !
Head of ecommerce division at Theodo
composable architecture

For the past two years, reports on emerging technologies have shown a strong evolution toward composable architectures. A best-in-class composable architecture, cloud-based, consists of a set of reusable building blocks. These blocks can be custom-developed or built with the best in the market off-the-shelf SaaS blocks. A composable architecture pushes the boundaries of micro-services, allowing for greater agility, faster implementation, and improved user experience through strong modularity. But all those benefits are real only if your implementation is done the right way.

Lightning Talks
How writing just one import the wrong way slows down your website
Senior Full Stack Software Engineer at Karakun
javascript, js, libraries, dependencies, load speed, bundler, tree shaking, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, imports, web, frontend, open source, IDE improvements, Node.js, optimizations, npm, webpack, rollup

Tree shaking is a feature that is used by modern bundlers to keep bundle size down (and load times fast), but if just one import is written in a non-optimal way, this can result in the whole dependency being included in the bundle. In some cases, this even happens with automatically suggested imports by the IDE. Learn about the correct way of importing from dependencies, tricks you can use to easily determine the impact on bundle size, and why having a lot of dependencies may not be as bad as you think!

Tech Leadership
Challenges in transforming a multicultural local-only company to a remote-first
Jimdo's VP Engineer
Leadership, Management, Adaptability, Remote Work

There were a lot of onboarding challenges, professional and personal, but we successfully integrated 15+ nationalities into our engineering organization. With the advent of the remote world, we were required to change most of our processes to ensure our team kept its performance correctly. In this talk, I will discuss our most significant challenges and the strategies we use to overcome them. I will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a strategy.During the talk, I will show our struggles, ceremonies, and new processes and give a path for companies to succeed and improve their development pace.

AI & Machine Learning
AI Model Management Life Circles: ML Ops For Generative AI Models From Research to Deployment
PyTorch Lightning, Tensorflow, Tensorboard, mlflow, Kubeflow, Weights & Biases, neptune.ai

I share a novel framework called MM Life Circles, which allow teams to visualize and manage the entire lifecycle of generative AI models, from research to deployment including best practices for handover between each phase.So essentially, I start with choosing a generative AI model as an example, then cover the data side of it followed by training frameworks.- Comprises of research platforms such as Python, R studio and associated libraries- Covers model building and tuning frameworks such as [Pytorch Lightning](https://www.pytorchlightning.ai/index.html), [Weights & Biases](https://wandb.ai/site), [mlflow](https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow) etc.- Benchmarking & Optimization Tools such as [onnx](https://onnx.ai/), [tensorflow](https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard), [tensorRT](https://developer.nvidia.com/tensorrt) optimization

Microservices & APIs
Specifications as the better way of software development
Software Engineer @ Microsoft
python, dotnet, openapi, asyncapi, postgres, kafka, kubernetes, codegen

In this session, I will highlight one of the most reliable and efficient ways of software development for companies and teams of any size regardless of their architecture, technology stacks, and frameworks.Have you ever used Ruby on Rails with its scaffolding system? Or maybe Laravel with its own code generator? There is always something that helps you to write less code - nuxi, go-swagger, Hygen, and many others... but does it really?Everybody knows "code-first" or "design-first" and even the "specification-first" approaches when we talk about microservices and APIs, but what if we can expand it to the whole system not only for service communication, let's dive in!We will be focused on how specifications and proper code generation can help engineers with:- reducing the risks of bugs and misconfiguration, - designing applications regardless of framework tool limitations,- writing less boilerplate code.Finally, and most importantly - how to start using this approach today.

Emerging Tech & Innovations
Smart, Connected, Unexpected: The Wild Side of IoT and AI
IoT & AI Expert, Solution Architect, Author
iot, ai

Step into a world where IoT and AI are not just buzzwords, but catalysts of extraordinary innovations implemented in the most unexpected places. Picture this: Instead of manually counting insects on adhesive tapes, a smart device does the tedious job being a true game-changer in pest control industry.In the realm of the slightly bizarre yet utterly fascinating, consider the project that ventured into the world of septic tanks. Yes, you heard it right ā€“ a foray into the waste management, but with a twist. Using smart technology, this project aimed at measuring the... let's say 'business levels' deep inside the tank. Not to mention the initiative that brought justice to African artists through music recognition technology, ensuring their creative work garners the recognition and rewards it deserves. Far from being mere technological feats, these stories reveal how even the most unconventional ideas can breed practical solutions.

Lightning Talks
Embarking on Your Journey as a Tech Conference Speaker: Tips and Strategies for Success
Software Engineer with a DevOps mindset
k8s, Golang, Python

Tech conferences are an invaluable platform for sharing knowledge, networking with experts, and advancing your career. Have you ever considered taking the stage as a speaker at one of these prestigious events? If you're ready to make your mark in the tech industry, this talk is your essential guide.I will delve into the world of tech conference speaking and explore the strategies to kickstart your journey. From crafting compelling proposals to perfecting your presentation skills, I'll cover it all. Learn how to identify the right conferences, build a strong speaker profile, and navigate the selection process.I'll also share insights on tailoring your content to captivate diverse audiences, conquering stage fright, and leveraging conference opportunities for professional growth. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time speaker, this talk will equip you with the tools and confidence you need to shine on the tech conference stage.

Soft Skills & Career
Youā€™re a great coder? That alone wonā€™t get you far: The soft skills secret in IT success
Co-Founder & Co-CEO Utterskills
soft-skills, no-code, career, communication

Statistically 70% of all IT-projects worldwide cannot be classified as "successful". Did you know that? And the crazy thing is that this figure has remained unchanged for the past 20 years, despite the fact that technology is constantly improving. The reasons: poor communication, changing requirements, unrealistic expectations and much more. Hardly any of these reasons have anything to do with technology, as it is essentially down to a lack of soft skills. Paradoxically, too much focus on technology leads to poorer results and also has another side effect: A lack of soft skills is also the main reason for job frustration, as 94% of HR managers say that employees with stronger soft skills are more likely to be promoted than employees with more years of experience but weaker soft skills. Sounds familiar?Pierluigi is the CEO of Utterskills, an e-learning academy for soft skills in IT and in his talk he will give some quick wins and an overview of the most important soft skills in IT.

Unleashing Potential Across Teams: The Power of Infrastructure as Code
Customer Architect @ Pulumi
IaC, Js

In the dynamic realm of modern infrastructure, challenges such as intricate security protocols and managing diverse environments are common across all technical teams. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) emerges as a transformative force, turning these challenges into opportunities for innovation.For developers, SREs, platform engineers, and other technical professionals, this talk showcases how IaC brings unprecedented ease and agility to managing varied infrastructures. The session includes an engaging live demonstration highlighting IaC's adaptability in various scenarios. It explores its potential to unify and empower diverse technical teams.Attendees from all technical backgrounds will discover practical strategies for implementing IaC in their projects, fostering an environment of collaboration and efficiency. Join to see how 'Infrastructure as Code your way' can revolutionize approaches and boost productivity for many technical professions.

Tech Leadership
Growing Your Team: Strategies for Expansion or Re-Org in Engineering
VP Engineering @ Elopage | Speaker
Leadership, Agile, Transformation, Re-org, Cross-functional teams

During this session we'll go through the scaling challenges for the engineering organisation.I'll share the insights from my experience working as a VP Engineering (product company, with the size around 200 people), and how we successfully moved from functional to cross-functional teams within two months.A lot of important questions will come during the transformation.- How to align the software architecture with the team structure?- Who will own what, whatā€™s the responsibility area for the team- What's the best team size- Where we can find the leaders for each future team- What are the functions of a tech lead and the engineering manager?- Escalation and operational processHappy to share my experience!

Microservices & APIs
Autonomous microservices with event-driven architecture
neocentric GmbH - Azure Serverless Developer / Architect
azure,.net,c#,azure functions,event-driven-architecture

How microservices become autonomous services.Microservices have been used more and more frequently in recent years. The use of many smaller services has made the use of synchronous communication increasingly difficult and complex.This is because synchronous communication ensures close coupling between the individual services and can ensure that if one service fails, a number of others fail at the same time.Typical resilience patterns such as: Circuit-Breaker, Retries, Service Meshes, etc. in turn increase the complexity of the overall system and also only partially solve the real problem. In this presentation, I will show how an event-first mindset can be used to design entire systems in an event-driven way.How microservices become autonomous services that are completely separate from each other and only communicate with each other via events.And how developers can use serverless and FaaS to focus on what is important: delivering business value.

Docker exec without Docker
Associate Manager @ Accenture
docker, kubernetes, linux

Ever wondered what happens after you type docker run? Or did you know you can docker exec into a container without docker? We will try that in the talk using only native Linux commands! I will dive into the crucial parts of containers like groups, namespaces, and virtual ethernet bridges. Donā€™t have an idea what these things are? Then my talk is perfect for you! These are the low-level build blocks of what we know as a container. After this talk, you will have a whole different understanding of containers and why they arenā€™t even that special (even though they are pretty cool).

Software Architecture & Design
The Lifehacker's Guide to Software Architecture
Principal Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
architecture culture innovation

Beware of the faith healer! Everything in life is a trade-off. This applies particularly to every decision you take on technology and software architecture. You want to be cautious when a faith healer enters the scene and promises that a certain technology, tool, or methodology solves every problem and removes all pain from you. At the end of the day, there is no silver bullet in software architecture.Does this and more life hacks that are relevant for every software architect raise your interest? Things that are super obvious, but are still often disgracefully neglected in the field? Why don't you join this talk and join a journey through this extremely incomplete Lifehacker's Guide to Software Architecture?

Tech Leadership
Unlocking business growth with Product and Engineering Performance
CTO, Angel Investor, Startup Mentor

A significant amount of Engineering and Product departments feel overwhelmed by business needs, and they look at business growth as something that is preventing them to improve on their architectures and processes. I believe, and will demonstrate with real world data, that this is not true, and that it can and should be reverted.Through the tracking and analysis of the correct Business, Product and Engineering metrics, and by correlating them, Product and Engineering leadership can create a compelling story that will help their business grow tremendously. Once the proper framework is in place these executives will have the necessary tools to change the narrative with their teams and the board room.I will share a decade of learnings in a fast growing SaaS startup, that enabled my company to sustain its high level of growth for the last 10 years, grow its Engineering team from 5 to 150 staff, while reaching industry leading NPS and CSAT scores without raising any outside capital.

CI/CD Patterns and Antipatterns - Things your Pipeline Should (Not) Do
Daniel Raniz
Sourceror @ factor10
GitHub Action, GitLab CI, Azure DevOps, Containers, Pipelines

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment/Delivery has become an integral part of our daily workflow. With the increasing importance that the CI/CD pipeline has, the demands placed on it rise proportionally.As with a lot of things in life, a great pipeline operates seamlessly in the background, wile a poorly designed one becomes a constant source of irritation.In this talk I will bring up a few antipatterns that I have encountered in the wild, explain why I consider them antipatterns and what you should do instead.Let's make sure that our pipelines never frustrate us again!

.NET Ecosystem
Everything a .NET developer needs to know about configuration and secret management
ten Brinke
Lead Software Engineer @ Arcady | Microsoft MVP (Developer Technologies)
C#, ASP.NET Core, Azure

App configuration. Settings. Secrets. We have all dealt with these things in our code without thinking much about it.But how does this actually work in .NET and how do you make the most of it? What should you do and what should you really stop doing? And more importantly, how do you store them correctly and prevent leaking secrets???This talk will teach you how configuration works in .NET, what you should and shouldn't do, and how you can use the power of the cloud to keep your secrets safe!

Frameworks & Libraries
WebAssembly Revolution: Elevating JavaScript's Reach and Performance
Independent Software Engineer
WebAssembly, Rust, C, Emscripten, WASI, Serverless

In this engaging session, we'll delve into the exciting world of WebAssembly and its synergy with JavaScript. We'll explore real-world applications, such as eBay's Barcode Scanner and Photoshop Web, demonstrating Wasm's impact on performance and flexibility. Learn to integrate over 1500 npm libraries with Wasm, navigate the compilation of Wasm modules, and harness its potential outside browser environments. Additionally, we'll look ahead at the future of Wasm and WASI, preparing you for the next wave of web development innovation. Perfect for both beginners and advanced JS developers, this talk is a must-attend for anyone eager to push the boundaries of what's possible in web apps.

Web, Mobile, UI/UX
Why HTMX is crushing React, Vue & Svelte.
Love to build products
HTMX, Tailwind CSS, Kotlin

Imagine a world where frontend frameworks would have no dependency conflicts, no outdated libraries and no security issues. A world where the gap between frontend and backend is finally closed. Only one deployment is needed and only one service must run.A framework that lets you focus on HTML, with no boiler plate in between. No JSON & GraphQL, no serialization, no virtual DOM. Easy to understand and maintain - packed with much higher performance than any existing Javascript framework. And the best part? You have the freedom to choose your backend and preferred typed language.Presenting: HTMX, the new approach in writing web applications.In this session, we'll show you how simple building an e-commerce shop can be. Using Kotlin, Spring Boot, and plain Tailwind, we'll demonstrate key features that make HTMX a revolutionary approach in writing web applications. Join us to see HTMX in action and explore its potential to transform your web development experience.

Emerging Tech & Innovations
Hard Facts and Soft Touch - Challenges of Projects in Manufacturing & Industry
adesso SE, Testmanager / Agile QA Coach
Manufacturing & Industry, digitalization, Industry 4.0

Development in the Manufacturing & Industry sector is hardware-oriented and driven by industrial standards. Engineers are usually responsible and there are quality management specifications.However, the proportion of software development has increased in recent years in the Manufacturing & Industry. In addition, the requirements of digitalization / Industry 4.0 are creating new requirements in the industrial environment. The automation pyramid is being "broken up" and technologies such as MQTT, REST or OPCUA are accessing data in order to supply use cases such as IIoT, BI or artificial intelligence with information.This creates new challenges for collaboration in modern manufacturing and industry projects. In this talk, I would like to present these challenges and possible solutions for software developers and engineers to work better together.

Product & Code Quality
Documentation as a Tool: Introducing Documentation Driven Development
Senior Engineering Manager @ Factorial
Documentation, Developer Experience

In the dynamic landscape of developer experience, documentation often takes a back seat, relegated to a role of retrospective record-keeping. This talk challenges the status quo by advocating for Documentation-Driven Development (DDD) as a pivotal, proactive force shaping the very essence of developer experience.As a developer who spent years creating abstractions used by other developers, Iā€™ve found that the best time for documentation isnā€™t after code implementation. In this talk, we explore the continuous nature of documentation, presenting it as an ongoing dialogue rather than a static artifact.Discover how embracing Documentation-Driven Development cultivates a richer, more cohesive, and ultimately more satisfying developer experience.Using a real world example, we explore how an abstraction used everyday by developers in Factorial, was built and is still maintained and improved easily, thanks to DDD.

Java Ecosystem
Supersonic, Subatomic AI with Java
Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat
Java, Quarkus, Langchain

A Large Language Model (LLM) is a component of artificial intelligence specifically designed to comprehend and generate text that closely resembles human language based on the input it receives. One common scenario where it finds utility is when it needs to generate Java code to address a problem or create Kubernetes manifests with specific features.However, LLMs can also be employed with your enterprise code to enhance the customer experience, eliminating the need for customers to navigate through an entire website or improving the search process of on-site documentation During this session, we will explore how to integrate Quarkus with Large Language Models to establish a novel interaction interface for your users so they feel more human than just clicking across links.If you're interested in hands-on experience with Large Language Models and Java, with a focus on practical applications rather than theory, then this session is for you.

Web, Mobile, UI/UX
Whatā€™s New and Whatā€™s Next in Web UI
Software Engineer at JP Morgan & Chase Co.
CSS, HTML, Web, UI, Chrome

The web platform is evolving quickly, with User Interface features to improve developer experiences, create new responsive capabilities, and enable more accessible interface defaults. The aim of this talk is to give a high level overview of what you can get excited about in the User Interface space and look out for on the web platform for CSS and HTML, as we take a look at some of the most exciting and impactful features that landed recently or are coming soon to modern browsers. This talk will include demos and code snippets of the new features released by the Chromium team.

Tech Leadership
Empowering and Motivating Developers in a Purpose-Driven Team of the Future
CTO Susteco - A Bosch Company
Agile Developement, Purpose-Driven Devlepment, Culture, Motivation, Value Chain

Sharing my experiences I made at corporate and Startup environments to involve and motivate developers with Purpose and bringing their values and motivations even beyond the coding. This will improve the efficiency for the development teams and also brings higher value to the business targets and goals for any team. We have experienced and tested this approach in different startups and corporates and weĀ“re happy to share this with all individuals in the Software industry for making better teams and results.

Java Ecosystem
Increased Performance and Developer Productivity with Jakarta EE 11
Jakarta EE Developer Advocate
Java, Jakarta EE

Jakarta EE 11 is the first release of Jakarta EE after the new release cadence was introduced.The goal is to release a version of Jakarta EE around six to nine months after an LTS release of Java SE.With Java 21 released in September 2023, Jakarta EE 11 will be released around in the Summer of 2024.What are the updates? Are there any new specifications introduced? What about removals? Will there be another namespace change? How will the impact of this release be on other frameworks and technologies, such as Spring, Apache Tomcat, Hibernate, and more?Come to this session to get all these questions and more answered to be prepared for the increased performance and developer productivity delivered by Jakarta EE 11.

Tech Recruiting Insights
Putting Developer Experience at the Heart of Tech Recruiting
Co-Founder, Experience One AG
Developer Experience, Tech Recruiting

In this talk Linda (Experience One) and Julia (Finanz Informatik) will unpack how an authentic depiction of your company's developer experience can reinvent your tech recruiting strategy.She will underscore the importance of moving away from overly-polished portrayals of your company and towards genuine representation of the developer's work and journey. It's about how your current tech team feels about working at your company, what are they passionate about and how closely that matches what you communicate to potential recruits.In essence, this talk advocates for a shift in perspective - start with the actual developer experience and work backwards to shape your recruiting strategy.

Software Architecture & Design
Evolutionary Architecture: the art of making decisions
JosƩ Enrique
CalderĆ³n Sanz
Lead Software Engineer at JP Morgan Chase.
Architecture, Best Practices

Join me for an engaging session that explores the indispensable role of decision-making in maintaining the evolvability of architectural designs. Drawing inspiration from Antoni Gaudi's visionary approach in crafting La Sagrada Familia, we delve into the art of decision-making, highlighting its criticality in ensuring the longevity and adaptability of our architectures.By the end of this talk, you'll gain a profound understanding of the significance of decision-making in shaping robust architectures and walk away with a practical toolkit of best practicesā€”inspired by Gaudi's methodologyā€”to effectively manage and document your architectural decisions. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your architectural decision-making skills and fortify the foundations of your projects for the future.

Everything as Code: A Dozen As-Code Concepts beyond Infrastructure or Configuration as Code
Jose Javier
Alonso Moya
DevOps Ambassador at Amadeus IT Group
mermaid, Reveal/SliDev, mkdocs, grafana, jenkins...

Remember the good old days when we used UML diagrams to model our systems? Well, times have changed. Agile, SDL, TDD, and other cool stuff have given our code superpowers. And code is the new model these daysBut code is not just for writing software. Code can also define and manage everything else in our IT environment, from infrastructure and configuration to security and workflow. This is the idea behind ā€œEverything as Codeā€ (EaC), a new trend that is taking DevOps by storm.While you may have heard of Terraform and ArgoCD, there's a new trend expanding into DevSecOps, workflows, and beyond. Join me in this talk to discover over a dozen cutting-edge "as code" concepts, inspired by the pioneering work of Patrick Debois, the creator of the DevOps concept. These concepts range from Compliance, DataOps, Documentation, to even Slides as Code!Through live demos and discussions, learn how these trends revolutionize development, fostering collaboration and efficiency

Product & Code Quality
Test-reduction - Doing more with less
QA Automation Advocate
testing, python

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: testing in software development isn't always a crowd favorite. But what if it didn't have to be that way?This session is all about cracking the code to make testing not just bearable but actually kinda cool. No, seriously. It's not just another snooze-inducing session on testing. We're unpacking practical tips and clever techniques (such as risk-based testing and property-based testing) to make testing more interesting, efficient and less of a time sink. Join us and learn about (test design) techniques that'll turn testing into a secret weapon in your software development toolkit. Finally you will know how to answer the question ā€œWhat should I (not) test?!ā€ā€¦. It's time to be more effective and starting doing more with lessā€”less time testing, more time building awesome stuff!

Tools & Techniques
Forget Developer Platforms, Think Developer Productivity!
Senior Solutions Architect at AWS
GenAI, Coding Companions, Platform Engineering, DevEx

A developer and a platform engineer walk into a bar. What follows is a deep discussion: During the developer platform hype, are we losing sight of what is really important? What is developer productivity, how can we measure it, and how can we improve it without boiling the ocean? Developer platforms are getting a lot of hype. But thatā€™s just something big companies do, and it means setting up a huge Kubernetes cluster and deploying Backstage. Right? Wrong! Actually, it is all about improving developer productivity, and that is important for a single developer, or a company with tens of thousands of IT professionals. It also means that the tools, services and artefacts needed to boost productivity can be widely different, and there is no default solution. In this talk, we will discuss the latest research on how you can measure and improve Developer Productivity. Then, we will look at actual tools and methods that make you more productive as an individual, a team or a whole company.

Cloud & Infrastructure
Fault Tolerance and Consistency at Scale: Harnessing the Power of Distributed SQL Databases
Senior Vice President of Research and Development
Distributed Databases, SQL

Distributed SQL Databases are a powerful new data management technology that addresses modern applicationsā€™ need for scalability, availability, geographic distribution, and low response time ā€“ with the power of SQL and strong consistency. However, distributed databases bring their own challenges. For example, the familiar trade-offs between consistency, high availability, and partition tolerance still exist. Remote data access will still incur speed-of-light network delays.This talk will describe the inner workings of distributed databases and how to design applications to best exploit their power. Using Oracle and other distributed databases as examples, we will explore the capabilities and unique application challenges posed by distributed databases. This talk will address design patterns that empower applications to handle network latency and consistency in the presence of real-world networks that can and do fail.

Designing Secure Applications in the Cloud
Senior Software Engineer & Published Author
Security, Security Architecture patterns, cloud infrastructure

When building cloud applications, we should always bear in mind that our services are exposed on the Internet and can be accessed by anyone and may have untrusted users.Because of this, we need to be proactive and aware of these possible security threats so that we can design our cloud applications to be able to handle them properly. Apart from preventing malicious attacks, cloud applications must also be designed to protect sensitive data and grant access for certain resources to only authorized users. In this session, I will be talking about 3 security patterns that can be used to prevent malicious or accidental actions outside of the applications designed usage, and to prevent disclosure or loss of information when building for the cloud.

Let's write an exploit using AI
Veracode, Manager Solution Architects EMEA & APAC

AI is on the rise and will, inevitably, help developers to be more efficient.But it is not only developers who benefit from these tools; it's hackers too. AI doesn't care if you are a defender or an attacker. This means bad actors can leverage the amazing capabilities of AI tools to write exploit code ā€“ even if they are not full-stack developers or penetration testers. This is concerning and underscores why code security is critical for the safety of society and organisations.When used responsibly, AI can help solve the greatest obstacle to successful software security programs: the imbalance that exists between the effort developers spend finding flaws and the time to fix them.In this session, we will write an exploit for a few publicly know vulnerabilities and demonstrate how AI can help prevent 'bad' code from becoming a bigger issue. Attendees will come away with in-depth information on the security implications of AI-assisted coding.

Microservices & APIs
Reliable scalability: How Amazon.com scales on AWS
Senior Solutions Architect
aws, serverless, monolith, microservices, scaling, reliability

Witness how serverless transforms high-traffic challenges into seamless, cost-effective solutions at Amazon.com. We debunk myths about serverless and dive deep into how IMDB serves 800.000 requests an hour with AWS Lambda.Amazon.com launched in 1995 with a modest architecture and a grand vision to be Earthā€™s most customer-centric company. Learn how Amazon.com got big fast, and see their evolution from a monolithic architecture to a massively scalable system based on service-oriented architecture and microservices. We will dive deep into the architecture of IMDb and AWS Lambda scales to serve workloads at Amazon.com scale.

Microservices & APIs
Beyond REST for the multi-protocol architect
Senior director of developer relations at Postman
graphQL, gRPC, REST

RESTful APIs have long been widely-used in web services, but developers have an overwhelming number of alternatives to consider, such as GraphQL, gRPC, event-driven, and asynchronous APIs. And more teams are shifting towards multi-protocol tech stacks. What are the benefits and technical limitations of each when designing a new system or adapting an existing one? This talk covers the evolving landscape of API protocols in 2024 so you can make informed architectural decisions to build robust, efficient, and maintainable APIs.

Product & Code Quality
Mutation Testing with Stryker
Consultant and software crafter at @codecentric
mutation testing, test coverage, test quality

You write unit tests in your team? Of course you do! But are those tests sufficient? Coverage tools provide an answer. Unfortunately, coverage analysis is often insufficient. Even test suites with 100% code coverage often miss bugs. Some test suites bring only little added value in practice.With Mutation Testing you can check the quality of your tests yourself! Stryker puts your tests to the test. You get a more realistic statement, how well your suite can actually find errors and learn how to improve it. The tool integrates into your project and pipeline with little effort and gets results fast!Learning Objectives:* Understand why 100% coverage means little* Integrate Stryker into your own projects* Improve test suites with the help of mutation reports

Product Management
From Flops to Triumphs: Embracing the Lessons of Product Failures
Founder/CEO at LAINIE.ai
Product, strategy, innovation, ideation

Navigating the tumultuous waters of product and engineering since the 1990s, I've witnessed the dawn of early web technologies and the transformative evolution that followed. This journey, punctuated by both successes and setbacks, has endowed me with a unique perspective on the inevitable rollercoaster of product development. In this talk, we will delve deep into the invaluable lessons derived from product failures. Drawing parallels from the nascent days of the commercial internet to today's sophisticated landscape, I'll share personal anecdotes, insights, and strategies that will empower attendees to transform setbacks into stepping stones. By embracing the teachings of past missteps, we can pave the way for future innovations, ensuring that our products not only thrive but also reshape the horizon of possibilities.

Reviewing 3rd party library security easily using OpenSSF Scorecard
Sr. Principal Security Researcher at Veracode | Microsoft MVP
3rd party libraries, application security, supply-chain security

Several studies shown that round 80% of our applications consist of other people's code. With using any 3rd party package (e.g. NPM, Maven, Cargo, NuGet, PyPi) that is developed by others, we also put a lot of trust in it, which might result in bigger security problems later. Would it not be nice if there is a better way to review a package for security? An easier way to perform an assessment based on certain aspects of the package that will tell you more about the package its software security. With the introduction of Scorecard project the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) exactly tries to achieve that. In this session we start out with different area's covered by of OpenSSF Scorecard, like how well it's maintained, does the build have dangerous workflows, and does the project use other security tools to check for problems?. All combined will give us the ability to assess a 3rd party package its security posture more easily and improve our own application security.

Rust and Docker: Let's build an AI-powered app!
Developer Advocate at daily.dev | Docker Captain
Rust, Docker, AI, OpenAI

Get ready to dive into creating an AI-powered app using the OpenAI API. This hands-on session starts with a deep dive into OpenAI's API, showcasing its pivotal role in AI application advancements. We'll then explore Rust, showcasing its potential as a programming language in AI software development. Docker comes next, revealing how it transforms efficiency and scalability in our build. The crux of this session is not just about theory ā€“ it's about bringing these technologies together in a cohesive, powerful architecture. Attendees will witness first-hand the impressive synergy between OpenAI's API, Rust's robust coding capabilities, and Docker's flexible deployment methods. This is a practical guide to crafting cutting-edge, effective AI applications.

Java Ecosystem
Serverless Java in Action: Cloud Agnostic Design Patterns and Tips
Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat
Java, Knative, Kubernetes, Quarkus

You've probably seen how to create a Function-as-a-Service with one of the cloud providers, but if this is all you know about Serverless, prepare to have your mind blown!In this session we'll show you how to create a production-grade, cloud-agnostic, event-driven serverless solution with Quarkus, a Java stack optimized for fast startup and small footprint; and Knative, an open source community project for deploying, running and managing serverless applications on Kubernetes. Say goodbye to vendor lock-in and hello to Supersonic Subatomic Java-based Serverless bliss!

Java Ecosystem
Databaseless Data Processing - High-Performance for Cloud-Native Apps and AI
CEO at MicroStream, Editor in Chief at JAVAPRO Magazine
java, api, database, nosql, performance

Hibernate is the defacto standard persistence for Java database apps. It was built when Java apps and database systems were monoliths. The cloud, microservices and serverless have changed Java dramatically, but persistence is still the same. Now AI is making its way into Java and AI requires uncompromising performance. EclipseStore was built to be the Java persistence for the cloud and AI. It enables databaseless in-memory data processing by using Core Java only. While databases use database-specific data structures or formats, EclipseStore supports the real Java object model. The engine enables seamlessly mirroring any Java object graph of any size and complexity into any object storage such as AWS S3. This leads to 3 main benefits: 1) highest performance, microsecond response and query time, up to 1000x faster than comparable SQL queries,2) 96% cloud database cost savings, 3) Radically simplicity, only one data model, no expensive mappings or data conversion.

Web, Mobile, UI/UX
UX is a fullstack job!
Principal Software Engineer | People Lead | Feelgoodmanager
User Research, ClickDummies, Mockups

If you ever worked in a professional software project, you had someone taking care of UI/UX in your team. Ideally it was a dedicated role. If not, let me guess: It was this frontend folk!Those frontend people create the UI, what should you as a Backend Developer do for UX?In our talk we take you by the hand and walk you through the whole Software development process.Starting with the design phase in which you should already consider the potential user flow and processes when planning your architecture. While implementing your application you may want to provide a fast-responding API and prepare for future tracing after release.After Go-Live there are a lot of things negatively impacting your applications UX like high response times or even downtimes of a service you might want to detect and recover before the user even knows. Together weā€™ll find out where you can have an impact on the user experience of your project!

Tech Leadership
Reshaping Tech Organizations for Efficient Scaling of Agile Practices ā€“ Lessons from the Field
Head of Software Engineering at Chrono24, Founder at Sparkteams
Scaling Agile, Organizational Design, Team Topologies, unFix

Scaling agile methods to large tech organizations doesnā€™t come naturally. While established frameworks like Nexus, Scrum@Scale or SAFe provide methods and processes to scale agile, they often feel clumsy, bureaucratic, and ā€“ actually ā€“ unagile. Recent approaches, such as Team Topologies and the unFIX patterns offer a different take on the problem. In our talk, we share firsthand insights on shaping an organizational structure that scales agile practices as well as our struggles and learnings along the way. We will guide you through our thinking processes and show how and why we arrived at our current organizational structure, which allows us to build successful products in a fast and user-centric way while ensuring sustainable employee satisfaction.

Modern Data Architectures need Software Engineering
Head of Data @ codecentric
ci/cd, automation, testing, apis

This talk explores the rapidly evolving landscape of modern data architectures that build and used for analytics purposes. They continually adapt practices and tools from software engineering. We will explore the growing influence of software engineering within the data ecosystem. Speaking of software engineering: the integration of analytics systems with the transactional/operative systems will also be taken into account. Typical scenarios and contextual factors of different architectural approaches we will also be discussed. We take a look into recent developments such as Data Mesh and Data Lakehouse, the ELT pattern, Cloud DWHs and theirlike. Additionally, I provide insights into the practical implementation of these architectures using tools and technologies commonly found in the ā€œModern Data Stack.ā€

Product & Code Quality
Test Intelligence for Developers
Data driven architecture decisions
test impact analysis, test gap analysis, pareto-optimization of tests. fast feedback from slow-running test-suites.

When a system has "grown historically," this often applies to the tests as well: they run for too long but find too few bugs. The reason is that such test suites often test too much and too little at the same time. They test too much because they include tests that incur costs but provide little added value compared to similar tests. They test too little because important functionality remains untested.In the talk, I will present analyses mine data from your repos (version control, issue tracker, test coverage etc) to uncover these issues: Pareto optimization of test suites and test impact analysis identify the tests that currently have the best cost-benefit ratio. Test gap analysis reveals which code changes are still untested, indicating missing tests. By doing so, these analyses provide us as developers with effective tools to understand and improve our test architecture. For each analysis, I outline its research background and show practical examples from large systems.

Web, Mobile, UI/UX
Is the web ready for voice user interfaces?
MĆ¼nch Gesellschaft fĆ¼r IT-Solutions mbH, CTO
WebSpeech API, Voice User Interface, VUI, Patterns

The dream of communicating with computers using natural language has been around for almost half a century. Voice user interfaces (VUIs) are already available in the consumer sector through Alexa or Siri.This talk will examine how web applications can be expanded to include a voice interface consisting of speech synthesis and recognition based on current best practices from science for VUI. An example application will be used to demonstrate the existing possibilities.A particular concern of this talk is to address the limitations of the current W3C standard WebSpeech API. The non-functional requirements of availability on different system environments, data security and offline capability will be analysed in more detail. The source code and documentation of Webkit, Chromium and the Gecko engine are included in this analysis. Finally, an outlook is given on the challenges for VUIs on the web for the next decade.

Product Management
Resistant to hype: How to avoid being deceived by technological trends?
Senior Frontend Developer in Bright Inventions
Hype Driven Development, technological trends, technology management, technology radar

While seasonal trends dominate not only the fashion world but also the IT industry, let's consider whether our projects are built on a solid foundation or on fashionable, fleeting solutions. In this presentation, we will delve into Hype Driven Development: its enticing promises, pitfalls, and how to find the golden mean between innovation and a safe choice. You will learn where the hype comes from, its stages, and the potentially disastrous consequences it can have. I'll guide you on how to follow trends without losing sight of the main goal - the functionality and success of the project.

Product Management
Big Business, Big Barriers? Stress-Testing AI Initiatives.
Consultant for Organisational & Product Development @Niehues Consulting
No Code.

In this case study, I will guide you through the implementation project of an AI-driven optimisation tool in the production chain of a large German manufacturer. I was part of a team made up of IT strategy and global AI executives. Together we worked through a variety of challenges that can occur in a company with over 200,000 employees.The initial situation was characterised by a lack of clear strategic direction and a culture of experimentation. One of the biggest obstacles was the lack of a data strategy, coupled with reluctant management and the unwillingness of various areas of the organisation to provide necessary data. In this talk, I will discuss why a team of data scientists and machine learning engineers alone is not enough. I will highlight the various organisational obstacles that can arise and how to overcome them. The talk will also emphasise the importance of a structured organisation and a comprehensive strategic approach to AI.

Progressive Delivery in Kubernetes
Principal Scientist at Adobe
kubernetes, argo

Progressive Delivery makes it easier to adopt Continuous Delivery, by deploying new versions to a subset of users before rolling them to the totality of the users, and rolling them back if not matching some key metrics, using techniques like feature flags and canary deployments.For workloads running on Kubernetes it is very easy to adopt Progressive Delivery using Argo Rollouts. At Adobe Experience Manager we deploy over 10k customer services to Kubernetes. Changes can occur multiple times per day both internal and from code. A new feature can work fine for 99% of customers but still affect the other 1%, and detecting this just from tests is costly.We will show how to implement a Progressive Delivery pipeline with Argo Rollouts to improve the reliability of the service and prevent regressions. It allows the protection of the service and automation of roll backs to a previous version if needed. This allows for faster delivery with more confidence.

Tech Leadership
Talking Hard Truths
Never believed in elevator pitches

When we talk about leadership, we say that leaders need to delegate, they need to empower people, they need to inspire and motivate those they lead. What we rarely talk about is the other side of leadership, the hard truths, how easy it is to say to delegate, how hard it is to actually do, how easy it is to say you need to inspire people, how hard it is to actually do, how easy it is to say you need to confront difficult situations, and yet how hard it is to actually do so.In this talk, we're going to examine what the consequences of not taking these actions are, and how by avoiding these problems, we not only are kicking the can down the road, but ending up potentially hurting more people than we ever intended to.

AI & Machine Learning
Packages Are Not Just for the Humans
VP of Developer Relations
mlops, hugging face, package management, model security

Developers love packages, and I donā€™t mean the type that come gift wrapped on holidays. Software packages provide a convenient way of sharing libraries, upgrading version, and validating the provenance and security of your dependencies. And this also applies to developing models for machine learning and generative AI applications. We will cover best practices for storing, versioning, and validating the models that you use to develop machine learning applications. Also, I will give a demo and example of an end-to-end flow that shows how you can pull open source models, version them, transform them, and deploy them securely, all from your favorite model development tools.

Tech Leadership
Relationship Driven Development - Code less, talk more!
CTO, MeisterLabs
soft skills

I make the case that investing deeply in relationships with real data will improve engineering throughput and can be objectively quantified. This session uses research from the DORA report and other studies to help technical folks understand that our job isn't simply to code but to build the relationships that enable us to write better code and solve problems. We will discuss the metrics, examples, and science behind relationship-driven development. The user will be armed with the tools to help others understand the concept.

AI & Machine Learning
GitHub Copilot Beyond the Basics - 10 Ways to Elevate Your Coding
AI-powered dev | Front-end enthusiast | DevOps | Azure
github copilot, ai, ai-assisted, coding

This presentation takes you on a flight beyond the basics of GitHub Copilot, showcasing 10 advanced and unique use-cases that will elevate your coding. Empower yourself with the countless possibilities offered by using GitHub Copilot. Delve into the ever-evolving world of AI in coding, and learn to adapt and thrive in this dynamic landscape.Attendees will gain invaluable insights into leveraging Copilot for a broad variety of tasks. Each use-case will be accompanied by real-world examples, demonstrating how Copilot can be a game-changer in both routine and complex coding scenarios. Moreover, this session goes beyond technicalities. It also emphasizes the creative and innovative aspects of using GitHub Copilot, inspiring you to think differently about code.Join us for a session that elevates you to the boundaries of AI-assisted coding. Get ready for take-off and embark on a journey where your development capabilities are empowered by the advanced features of GitHub Copilot.

Tech Leadership
AI-Infused Precision: Rethinking Project Estimations
Celestial Programmer
AI in Project Management, Agile, Estimation Techniques

In the multifaceted realm of IT project management, mastering the art of accurate estimations is a cornerstone for success, yet notoriously challenging to achieve. The balance between realistic timelines and efficient resource allocation hinges on accurate project forecasts. But what makes pinpointing these estimations so elusive in ITā€™s dynamic landscape?We will delve into the art and complexities of IT project estimations, exploring strategies and data to improve accuracy and precision. This session is designed to enhance your estimation skills exploring potential assistance from AI and experimenting with Azure AI tools, including Azure AI Studio and Cognitive Search.Join us to acquire actionable insights for advancing your estimation strategies in IT projects and exploring the integration of AI technologies. This session is perfectly suited for professionals aiming to merge classic estimation methods with innovative AI advancements, refining accuracy and efficiency.

100 times more frequent deployments: How did we create a high performance team?
Tech Lead, Developer, Author, Mentor
None - Only a sample CI/CD Pipeline

What makes a team high performing and how do you achieve that? In this talk, I would like to share my own experience on a project where we have transferred the team from a state where they did 2 times deployment a month to 200 deployments a month. This includes understanding four key metrics, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, creating safe development environments with automated testing and avoiding silos with sharing knowledge and pairing. Overall, the team is transformed to a high performance software development team.

AI & Machine Learning
Semi-Supervised Learning. How to overcome the lack of labels
ML Engineer at Meta
ML, Semi-Supervised Learning, Artificial intelligence

Semi-supervised learning, an innovative approach in machine learning, strategically positions itself between the realms of supervised and unsupervised learning. This methodology uniquely utilizes a combination of a small portion of labeled data and a substantially larger set of unlabeled data for model training. Its significant advantage lies in scenarios where gathering a fully labeled dataset is prohibitively costly or logistically unfeasible. By blending the directive nature of labeled data with the extensive insights of unlabeled data, semi-supervised learning offers a practical, cost-effective solution for comprehensive model training, especially in data-scarce environments.

Java Ecosystem
Modern Java
Java enthusiast and Special agent for Team Rockstars IT

In this talk, I will take you through all the awesome new stuff you can find in Java. Iā€™ll show you the actual usage of these new features so that you can use them in your project too. Come and see real-world usage for constructs like records, switch functions, sealed classes, pattern matching, virtual threads, structured concurrency, and scoped values. This is even more important if you consider that the upcoming releases of extremely popular and widely used frameworks such as Spring (v6) and Spring-Boot (v3) will use JDK17 as the minimum baseline for development, while Jakarta EE 11 targets Java 21. Donā€™t get left behind and let me show you how to use all the new language features from JDK15 up to JDK22.Think records, pattern matching, sealed classes, virtual threads, structured concurrency,scoped values, string templates,switch for pattern matching and unnamed variables.

Emerging Tech & Innovations
Empowering Democratic Processes: Building a Hybrid Voting Platform
Software Engineer, Backend
react.js, node.js, nest.js, aws, blockchain

Dive into the Future of Voting Technology! Join me in unraveling the synergy of Web2, Web3, Blockchain, and AWS, forging a revolutionary voting platform. Experience firsthand the power of secure, transparent voting that is reshaping the democratic landscape. This event is your gateway to a new era of accessible and impactful digital democracy. In this session, we'll delve into the intricacies that make up the backbone of a blockchain-driven voting platform and walk you through a live version.šŸŒšŸ—³ļø #VotingTech #DigitalDemocracy

Web, Mobile, UI/UX
Command the Bots: Mastering robots.txt for Generative AI and Search Marketing
SEO Consultant and ex-Google engineer
seo, ai, robots.txt, crawlers, bots

Google and AI companies are promoting the robots.txt file as a way for you to control and block access to parts of your website for training Large Language Models (LLM) used in Generative AI. The robots.txt file is an important part of technical SEO and follows a specific format and syntax. Understanding how to configure the robots.txt file is important to ensure that search engines and LLMs are able to crawl and index your website effectively. Incorrect usage can make or break your websiteā€™s visibility in Google Search or have third parties train their AI on your copyrighted data.Join ex-Google engineer Fili to learn everything you need to know about robots.txt, from its syntax, avoiding common pitfalls, best practices and more. You will walk away with practical technical hands-on tips and strategy-considerations on how to take maximum advantage of robots.txt for your website. Having programmed websites and Google internal tools, Fili is the go-to guy for technical SEO.

Cloud & Infrastructure
Why we left the Cloud
Chief DevOps Engineer
devops, programming, cloud, optimization, devtools

As of late, a number of key people in the IT industry have voiced their concerns about Cloud costs. Cloud costs have been steadily rising, with the basic experience being offered by the likes of Amazon and Google not changing much, if at all. We've decided to test out a migration of a part of our applications to a bare metal machine (physical DELL rack units of our own), set up completely by ourselves, from scratch. From kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines, disk redundancy, to docker registry, Github Actions, etc.We've now been running this set up for about 60 of our applications and have seen a 80% decrease in costs, with the bare metal and data center costs being redeemed within just 2 months of leaving the Cloud (Amazon specifically).We'd love to share our journey of our bare metal migration!

Soft Skills & Career
An ADD Guide to Managing Attention and Focus
Product Manager, Azure Container Apps
attention, knowledge management

Are you overwhelmed by the velocity and amount of information you have to process on a daily basis? Do you struggle to remember or pay attention to the right things? Do you find yourself procrastinating on important tasks that should be easy to do? You're not alone. In fact, these problems are common for tech workers because our jobs depend on our abilities to learn, adapt, and ignore the noise. As someone with attention-deficit disorder (ADD) working in tech, I have learned my lessons the hard way. I want to share them so you don't have to. Struggling with attention is a spectrum, not a binary, and this talk is meant to be helpful whether you have ADD or not. I will dive into the biological and psychological theory - the "why" - behind problems with attention and focus so you know what you're up against. Then, I will discuss some of the practices - the "how" - that people have come up with over the centuries to manage their focus and manage their personal knowledge.

Cloud & Infrastructure
Scaling Databases
Database Educator
database, vertical scaling, horizontal scaling, multi-master, replication, sharding

When your application becomes more popular and receives more traffic, you can just add more stateless application server. But for the database, this is more complicated - scaling systems with state is always complex.Articles and blogs never explain the different approaches and their shortcomings of horizontal database scaling solutions reasonably - most often, they just try to "sell" a specific approach. But each of them has an impact on your application, and you need to build it with these constraints in mind. Covered in the talk will be:* Tasks to do before any scaling* Scaling-Up as a simple first approach* Multi-Master-Replication* Replication* Sharding

Emerging Tech & Innovations
Quantum Computing for Classical Developers
Senior Developer @ Vouch
quantum computing, security

Quantum computing has been in and out of the news for quite some time now, with promises to break encryption and revolutionise AI, simulations and whole industries. However, for a major part of the public, and even most developers, it remains a bit of a mystery.ā€ØLetā€™s explore it together. What is quantum computing? What sets it apart from classical computing? What are some of the use cases that will transform our world? And, most importantly, what lies ahead in a future where quantum computing becomes accessible to developers of all backgrounds?