»Participating is certainly one of the most thrilling experiences one can have in this industry.«

Felix Wotschofsky
CODE100 Ultimate Coding Champion 2023

WHY Apply

Get a chance to win lots of cool stuff

The final winner last year went home with a €10k cash prize and got a chance to ride the world's fastest car. In any case, winners will get the VIP treatment at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024 and will take part in the Grand finale.

All languages spoken

Whether  you're a backend developer, frontend master or that one person that loves that one weird language, CODE100 is independent of stack or language. All who love to solve problems are welcome.

Show your coding chops live

CODE100 isn't a hackaton. It's you on stage in front of a cheering audience competing with others in real-time. Consider it a coding test that isn't a terrible experience, but a chance to show the world what you can do. And people will recognise you for your passion - not your degree.

Applications for CODE100 are currently closed.
Sign up below to stay up to date about the next competition and other developer events.

previously on stage at code100

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Code of Conduct
WeAreDevelopers welcomes everyone and is dedicated to defending anybody from harassment, regardless of gender, gender identity, and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion.
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Diversity & Inclusion
At WeAreDevelopers events we empower underrepresented groups by giving them the stage to share their knowledge and experiences. It is crucial for our international events to bring together the perspectives of people with different backgrounds.
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