How AI Recruiting Will Improve Hiring
April 12, 2024
min read

How AI Recruiting Will Improve Hiring

Rebeka Meszaros
Rebeka Meszaros

The recruitment game is changing, and both sides of the hiring desk are playing with new rules thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). 88% of companies globally have already integrated AI into their recruitment processes, signalling a shift from traditional methods to a more tech-driven approach. It's not only about companies streamlining hiring; candidates are also using AI to shine, crafting standout resumes and cover letters, receiving tailored job suggestions, and practising with mock interview simulators. With the AI recruitment market size swelling from $540.4 million in 2022 to an expected $590.5 million by the end of 2024, it's clear that AI's role in recruitment is not a fleeting trend but a staple of modern hiring strategies.

But what does this mean for the recruitment landscape? On the one hand, companies enjoy higher quality hires and cost reductions, while on the other, jobseekers benefit from increased transparency and application efficiency. However, as AI becomes a common tool for both recruiters and candidates, questions about its impersonal nature and potential challenges arise.

This article examines how AI is reshaping recruitment for employers and hiring managers. We'll examine the rise of AI usage, spotlight the advantages, address the criticisms, and explore how this technology is crafting a new future for the job market. 

A quick look at the evolution of AI in recruitment 

AI has evolved significantly from its initial applications to today's advanced capabilities. Historically, AI's integration into hiring processes began with simpler, yet revolutionary tools:

  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): Initially, ATS simplified recruitment by automating resume reviews. They filtered applications using keywords to identify candidates with specific qualifications and skills, streamlining the selection process.

  • Chatbots and automated communications: Chatbots emerged as basic AI tools to manage early candidate interactions. They automatically responded to queries and scheduled interviews, making the communication process more efficient without needing direct human involvement.

  • Predictive analytics: In its formative phase, predictive analytics started showing how AI could analyse past recruitment data to forecast a candidate's likelihood of success in a role. While earlier versions were simpler, they paved the way for the advanced predictive tools we use today.

These initial uses of AI in recruitment shifted the focus from mainly admin tasks to more strategic work. By handling basic hiring tasks, AI has freed up recruiters so they can spend more time on important interactions and decisions. 

How AI is currently being adopted in recruiting

A report by HBR highlighted that a vast majority (91%) of key decision-makers see the need to optimise hiring processes with automation and AI as crucial for the future success of their businesses. They're adopting AI because it can significantly improve recruitment, making the process more streamlined, resource-efficient, and strategically focused. Here’s a look at the current use of AI in recruiting:

Candidate sourcing

AI tools are changing how recruiters find candidates. By automatically searching job boards, social media, and databases, these tools speed things up and make it easier to find people who match the job's needs. AI chatbots, for example, L’Oreal’s Mya, chat with candidates to see if they fit well and guide them in applying. Mya helps recruiters by taking over early tasks; it can answer common questions from candidates and check important details like when they can start work and if they have the right visa. Using such AI bots helps recruiters reach more people by screening more applications and helps them work faster, thanks to the help with pre-screening.

This faster process comes from AI being able to quickly screen applicants and use data to find those who have performed well in similar roles before. Plus, AI helps find better matches by looking at more than just keywords in a resume. It analyses a candidate's whole profile, like their skills and experiences, giving a fuller picture of what they could bring to the job.

Candidate screening

AI sifts through resumes and applications very quickly, picking out crucial information, checking qualifications and experiences, and even evaluating behaviours to identify the standout candidates. This lets recruiters zero in on a handful of top applicants, streamlining the hiring process. AI designed specifically for screening that combines human insights with AI's efficiency makes hiring significantly smarter and quicker. According to the AI in Hiring and Work 2024 Survey, 44.2% of respondents report a significant acceleration in the hiring process thanks to AI. Moreover, these tools have the ability to process resumes about 70% faster than manual methods

Talent assessment

Incorporating AI in talent assessment makes the process more interactive and insightful. Beyond just sifting through resumes, AI-powered tools — including skill tests (e.g., coding challenges, language proficiency tests) and pre-employment assessments (e.g., personality quizzes, situational judgment tests) — dive deep into a candidate’s capabilities using machine learning. This approach doesn’t rely on what candidates have done in the past but assesses their current abilities and how they match the job requirements. 

AI assessment tools can also rank candidates based on their performance in these assessments, automatically generating a shortlist of top applicants. This means recruiters can easily see who did well, comparing their answers against ideal responses. This method makes the hiring process more engaging for candidates and also arms recruiters with a clearer understanding of each applicant’s practical skills and suitability for the role. 

Candidate interviews

AI is reshaping the interview process by streamlining pre-screening through video and text interactions. These advanced tools efficiently sift through candidates before in-depth interviews. Tools like HireVue employ AI in video interviews to evaluate a candidate's facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language and assess their fit for the role. This not only provides a deeper insight into a candidate's compatibility for the role but also lightens recruiters' load by streamlining the early screening process.

By moving away from the traditional, time-consuming interview methods, AI platforms offer a seamless transition to a more automated approach. They use machine learning to analyse conversations, swiftly identifying promising candidates. Furthermore, these tools provide a holistic view by evaluating tone, emotional responses, and engagement levels during the interview, which ensures a smoother decision-making process.

Offer and onboarding

Integrating AI into the onboarding process significantly reduces the manual workload in welcoming new hires. Instead of drowning in paperwork and repetitive data entry tasks, HR teams can now allocate their efforts to engaging new employees and immersing them more effectively in the company culture and operational systems.

AI can personalise the onboarding experience for each new hire. It crafts individualised training programs and suggests resources tailored to their specific roles and learning styles. Additionally, AI-driven platforms are facilitating smoother introductions within the team by matching new hires with mentors or onboarding buddies, enhancing the sense of belonging and community from the outset. Beyond personalisation, AI tools offer continuous support to new employees by providing 24/7 access to company information and resources through AI-enhanced employee portals. 

Potential benefits for employers and hiring managers

Adding AI to recruitment offers major perks for employers and hiring teams, updating old ways to be quicker, more unbiased, and more successful. Here are the top advantages:

1. Maximising recruitment efficiency

      AI-based sourcing and screening tools significantly cut down the manual labour involved in sifting through applications, as evidenced by AI's ability to parse thousands of resumes instantly. This automation enables HR teams to dedicate more time to strategic tasks and lets smaller teams handle more work at a lower cost, which significantly boosts productivity and reduces headcount. According to the LinkedIn Future Of Recruiting 2024 survey, 57% of users reported that AI makes writing job descriptions faster and easier, 45% noted that AI-driven automation allows them to dedicate more time to rewarding work, and 42% found that AI eliminates routine daily tasks. These insights come from a survey of 1,453 recruiting professionals in managerial positions or higher, along with 498 hiring managers.

2. Overcoming recruitment bias

A notable challenge in recruitment is the formation of unconscious biases, with a survey revealing that 63% of hiring managers form a first impression within the first 15 minutes of an in-person interview, and 56% do so during virtual interviews. This early judgment highlights the potential for bias, underscoring the need for more objective evaluation methods. AI's role in the screening process addresses this issue by assessing candidates based on their skills and experiences, fostering diversity and inclusivity in the workforce. Significantly, 68% of respondents in Tidio’s study — which surveyed 1,068 recruiters — acknowledge AI’s capacity to minimise biases in hiring, illustrating how AI can enhance fairness and objectivity in the initial assessment stages.

3. Enhancing candidate experience

AI-driven tools, including chatbots, are transforming recruitment by boosting efficiency and adding a personal touch. These improvements significantly impact candidates' views and interactions with a company's brand. AI enhances the candidate experience in various ways, such as by providing immediate responses to inquiries, scheduling interviews without the back-and-forth, and offering personalised updates on application status. This level of personalisation and efficiency is crucial; 58% of candidates have rejected job offers due to negative experiences during the hiring process. 

Furthermore, 46% felt their time was disrespected during interviews. Focusing on a positive candidate experience — bolstered by AI — not only makes candidates 38% more likely to accept job offers but also improves the quality of hires by 70%, protecting companies from the high costs of bad hires and reducing dropout rates. 

4. Improving the quality of hires

AI is significantly enhancing the quality of new hires by optimising every step of the hiring process. It scrutinises candidates' skills and their compatibility with the company culture, leading to matches that are more fitting. 

This precise matching is crucial, especially when considering the high costs associated with a poor hire — up to 30% of the employee's first-year salary. McKinsey & Company's findings reveal that AI boosts hiring efficiency by 20%, proving its effectiveness. Also, AI-powered recruitment tools can cut down hiring time by up to 90%, and screening resumes 70% faster than manual methods. This quick screening is key, with 82% of companies using AI seeing a big boost in the quality of their hires. 

Moreover, AI's adaptive nature means it continually refines its selection process, consistently improving at identifying candidates who meet the company's current needs and will also be valuable long-term assets. This continuous improvement means companies can make smarter hiring choices, leading to a workforce that really matches their goals and culture.

Challenges to keep in mind with AI recruiting

While using AI in recruiting has many benefits, it's important to understand and address some challenges to make the most of it.

Risk of algorithmic bias: AI aims to reduce human biases, but it can accidentally perpetuate them if it learns from biased data, possibly leaving out some groups of candidates. To tackle this, regularly check and update the AI's learning data and involve a diverse team in its development and oversight to ensure fairness.

Impersonal candidate experience: Relying too much on AI might make the hiring process seem cold and off-putting, which could turn candidates away. Mixing AI for tasks like screening with personal touches from recruiters, such as interviews or follow-up calls, can keep things friendly and engaging.

Over-dependence on technology: Using AI too much can dial down the human aspect of recruiting, possibly missing out on a candidate's unique traits. Setting clear rules for what AI does and what humans do, plus training recruiters to use AI insights wisely, ensures AI helps rather than hinders.

Privacy and data security concerns: Using AI to analyse candidate info can bring up privacy and security worries if sensitive data leaks. Following strict privacy laws and being open with candidates about how their data is used, along with strong security measures, can prevent these issues.

Lack of emotional intelligence: AI might not fully capture a candidate's soft skills or how well they'll fit into the company culture. To address this, AI should be used for initial screenings and rely on human recruiters for the final say, especially for qualities that AI can't judge, like teamwork or adaptability.

Improve your hiring in tech

Exploring AI in recruiting shows it's a game-changer for hiring. It speeds up the process and finds better matches, making things easier for everyone involved. This is how recruitment is evolving to be quicker and more targeted.

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