Developer jobs in Gifhorn, Germany

Currently you can find 20 jobs that match your search for developer vacancies in Gifhorn. In Gifhorn you'll find numerous jobs including JavaScript, PHP, Python & more. The salary for a position as a developer in Gifhorn is between 12,432€ and 36,442€.

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Gifhorn, Germany
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Working Student - AI/ Machine Learning with Focus on GenAI/ Large Language Models
supervisor_account IAV GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr
room Gifhorn, Germany
Machine Learning
Werkstudent:in - AI/ Machine Learning with Focus on GenAI/ Large Language Models
supervisor_account IAV GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr
room Gifhorn, Germany
Machine Learning
Junior IT Supporter (m/w/d)
supervisor_account Hcl Technologies Germany Gmbh
room Gifhorn, Germany
Agile Methodologies
Microsoft Office
Prüferin / Prüfer (m/w/d), Teilzeit
supervisor_account Stadt Gifhorn
room Gifhorn, Germany
Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration (m/w/d)
supervisor_account IT-Verbund Gifhorn
room Gifhorn, Germany
IT-Systemadministrator Infrastruktur (w/m/d)
supervisor_account Brunel GmbH
room Gifhorn, Germany
Ausbildung zur/zum Fachinformatiker/in Anwendungsentwicklung
supervisor_account LINK GmbH
room Gifhorn, Germany
Abteilungsverantwortlicher Food (m/w/d)
supervisor_account Posted By Famila
room Gifhorn, Germany
IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) für Serverumgebungen
supervisor_account engaged & Company GmbH
room Gifhorn, Germany
Ausbildung zum Kaufmann für IT-System-Management (m/w/d)
supervisor_account Kirchenamt Gifhorn
room Gifhorn, Germany
IT-Administrator (m/w/d) Netzwerk und VoIP
supervisor_account engaged & Company GmbH
room Gifhorn, Germany
SAP E-Recruiting Intern
supervisor_account EGGER Group
room Gifhorn, Germany
SAP E-Recruiting Apprentice
supervisor_account EGGER Group
room Gifhorn, Germany
2nd Level Informatiker im Onsite Support (m/w/d)
supervisor_account Hemmersbach GmbH & Co. KG
room Gifhorn, Germany
Microsoft Active Directory
IT-Support 2nd Level Onsite (m/w/d)
supervisor_account Hemmersbach GmbH & Co. KG
room Gifhorn, Germany
Microsoft Active Directory
IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d) für Serverumgebungen
supervisor_account engaged & Company GmbH
room Gifhorn, Germany
IT-Administrator (m/w/d) Netzwerk und VoIP
supervisor_account engaged & Company GmbH
room Gifhorn, Germany
Product Security Engineer (m/w/d)
supervisor_account Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG
room Gifhorn, Germany

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