2024 is almost over and we are looking back at the WeAreDevelopers Dev Digest newsletter. All in all, we sent out 50 editions containing 2081 curated links to news, tips and tricks, tools, resources and wonderfully weird things we found online. Every week we collect roughly 200 things and filter them down to what's interesting, what's still valid a few days from now or what you may not know but could massively boost your efficiency.
End of the year Dev Digest recap and making of video
To celebrate the end of year, curator Chris Heilmann and Developer Advocate Daniel Cranney sat and went through the archive of the newsletter, picking their favourites and giving you a look behind the scenes how we create the newsletter every week. We did our best to cover it all, but we only managed half of it in the hour we had. Check the recording here:

We also recorded the research process for one of the newsletter editions and turned the three hour recording into a one minute speedrun:
The 2024 We Are Developer Dev Digest Archive

You can play with the archive yourself and either get all the links on one page, or browse each newsletter and the links. We might also talk about the script we wrote to generate this archive. But first, here's something for you to do:
CODE100 Challenge - Dev Digest ASCII barcharts

We also want you to show us your coding chops in a new CODE100 challenge. This time you get the dataset of all the Dev Digest issues and we want you to turn it into an ASCII bar chart. You can send us your results via this form and - if you want to use JavaScript to solve it - we even created a codepen for you. As always, we will pick 2 winners for the CODE100 final at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress in July.
See you in 2025!
We're looking forward what we can find for you in the next year and how the Dev Digest can evolve to cater to your needs.