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Debugging Schrödinger's App
DeveloperSteve Coochin - 2 years ago
If a deployed app error occurs, but is not observed does it happen? We've all been here before, apps that have been deployed but not optimised not only affect performance but can also cost you resources and money. If a log is generated on a stack and is not observed, does it happen? For a dev that final commit and code test pass means the end of a long project, or does it? That code may run, those tests may pass, however those application logs not being viewed may present an issue for that amazing code. Building applications to scale is critical, as devs we build our applications to help our end users have a great app experience and not cost in infrastructure resources or slow and unresponsive applications. Optimising and debugging the code base to work on the nominated infrastructure is the final stage in application deployment and in this talk we are going to look at some ways to debug and trace a containerized Python application.
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