October 17, 2023
min read

10 AI Tools for Developers

Luis Minvielle

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly integrated itself into the developer's toolkit. Proof of this is the remarkable growth of AI adoption between 2015 and 2019, where businesses utilising AI services surged by 270%. In 2015, only 10% of organisations considered implementing AI; by 2019, that figure had risen to 37%, and it seems too low compared to how helpful these tools are.

Some benefits that programmers usually report when adopting AI are:

  • Increased productivity: AI tools help developers to write code more efficiently.

  • Improved code quality: AI tools aid developers in identifying bugs, security vulnerabilities, and offer suggestions to elevate code quality.

  • Time-saving: By streamlining various development tasks, AI tools reduce both time and costs associated with software development.

As AI becomes more common, not using AI tools in software creation can put you behind. In this post, we'll look at these tools and how they help developers stay ahead in tech.

1. Tabnine for code completion

Tabnine is an AI tool for developers that provides code completion and code prediction. It is available in various programming languages, including JavaScript and Python.

Tabnine uses a machine learning algorithm to learn from your code and predict the next line of code you will likely write. It can also suggest code snippets, complete functions, and even generate entire classes.

Tabnine is particularly useful for JavaScript and Python programmers because it can help them write code faster and more accurately. For example, Tabnine can help JavaScript programmers to write complex regular expressions and to navigate large codebases. It can also help Python programmers write more idiomatic code and to avoid common errors.

Key features:

  • Code completion: Tabnine can complete code snippets, functions, and even entire classes. This can save developers a lot of time and effort, especially when working on complex or unfamiliar projects.

  • Context-aware suggestions: Its suggestions are context-aware, meaning that they are based on the code that you have already written. This makes the suggestions more relevant and useful.

  • Learning algorithm: Tabnine uses a machine learning algorithm to learn from your code and predict the next line of code you will likely write. This makes Tabnine's suggestions more accurate over time.

Some singularities:

  • Tabnine can suggest code refactoring. It can identify areas of your code that can be refactored to make them more efficient or readable. This can help you improve your code's quality without spending a lot of time thinking about it.

  • Tabnine can integrate with popular IDEs and editors. It can be integrated with popular IDEs and editors like Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, and Sublime Text. This makes it easy to use while you are coding.

Pricing: Tabnine has a free plan. For the Pro plan, the pricing starts at $12 per month.

2. Synk for code analysis and scanning security

Snyk is a cloud-based code analysis tool that can help developers find security vulnerabilities and open-source licence compliance issues in their code. Snyk uses various techniques to analyse code, including machine learning, static analysis, and dynamic analysis. It can also analyse productive code.

Key features:

  • Code analysis: Snyk can analyse code for security vulnerabilities and open-source licence compliance issues.

  • Machine learning: It uses machine learning to identify patterns in code that are associated with security vulnerabilities and open-source licence compliance issues.

  • Static analysis: This AI tool uses static analysis to analyse code without having to execute it. This allows Snyk to identify potential problems in code even before it is deployed.

  • Dynamic analysis: Snyk uses dynamic analysis to analyse code while it is executing. This enables the tool to identify issues that may not be apparent from static analysis alone.

Some singularities:

  • Snyk is one of the few AI code analysis tools to analyse code for security vulnerabilities and open-source licence compliance issues. This makes Snyk a useful tool for developers who need to ensure that their code is both secure and compliant.

  • Developers report that Snyk is very accurate and reliable. It has been trained on a massive dataset of code, and it is constantly being updated with new data. This means that Snyk can identify potential problems in code even with high confidence.

  • Snyk is easy to use. It can be integrated into various development tools and workflows and provides developers clear and actionable feedback.

Even Reddit has taken advantage of this powerful tool.

Pricing: Snyk offers an excellent free plan. Their team plan starts at $52 per month.

3. PolyCoder for code generation

PolyCoder is an AI-powered code generation tool that can help developers generate code in diverse programming languages, including JavaScript and Python.

PolyCoder is trained on a massive dataset of code, and it can generate correct and idiomatic code. It can also generate code for specific tasks, such as building machine learning models or developing web applications.

Key features:

  • Code generation: PolyCoder can generate code in various programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, Java, C++, C#, and more.

  • Context-aware generation: It can generate code based on the context of the code you have written.

Some singularities:

  • It can generate correct and idiomatic code. This is because PolyCoder is trained on a massive code dataset, and it can learn the patterns and conventions of different programming languages.

Pricing: Free and open source.

4. Otter.ai for meeting and transcription

Otter.ai is an AI-powered meeting transcription tool that can help developers transcribe their meetings and collaborate more effectively. It is available for both desktop and mobile devices. 

Key features:

  • Automated transcription: Otter.ai can automatically transcribe meetings, even if there are multiple speakers or background noise.

  • Speaker identification: Otter.ai can identify the speakers in a meeting and attribute their words to them in the transcript.

  • Timestamps: It includes timestamps in its transcripts so developers can easily find specific points in a meeting.

  • Search: This tool allows developers to search their transcripts for keywords and phrases.

  • Collaboration: Otter.ai allows developers to share their transcripts and collaborate on them.

Some singularities:

  • Otter.ai is one of the most accurate AI-powered meeting transcription tools available. It uses a combination of deep learning and natural language processing to transcribe meetings with high accuracy, even in noisy environments.

  • Speakers with non-American English accents have consistently reported that Otter’s transcription feature doesn’t quite get them. It might have been trained with American accents only. So we recommend combining Otter with other tools if your meeting is multinational.

  • It is effortless to use. Simply start a recording of your meeting, and Otter.ai will start transcribing it automatically. You can then access the transcript from your web browser or mobile device.

  • It offers assorted features that make it a valuable tool for collaboration. For example, you can share your transcripts, add notes and comments, and search for keywords and phrases.

Pricing: Otter.ai offers a free plan and other plans with varying features. The Pro plan costs $10 per user/month when billed annually.

5. Rewind.ai for documentation

Rewing.ai was founded by the team behind Scribe.ai, an AI-powered process documentation tool that was acquired by Google in 2020. The Rewing.ai team has taken the best of Scribe.ai and built a new AI-powered process documentation tool that is even more powerful, accurate, and easy to use. It can help developers to create clear and concise documentation for their code and processes. It is a web application with various features that make it a valuable tool for developers.

Key features:

  • Automatic documentation generation: Rewing.ai can automatically generate documentation for code and processes based on the code itself and comments and other metadata.

  • Natural language generation: Rewing.ai uses natural language generation to create documentation that is easy to read and understand.

  • Collaboration features: It allows developers to collaborate and share documentation with their peers.

  • Version control: It tracks changes to documentation and allows developers to revert to previous versions.

  • Search: Rewing.ai allows developers to search their documentation for keywords and phrases.

Some singularities:

  • It is easy to use. It has a user-friendly interface makes it easy for developers to create and manage documentation.

  • Rewing.ai is highly customisable. Developers can customise the output of Rewing.ai to meet their specific needs. For example, they can generate documentation in different formats, such as Markdown, HTML, or PDF.

  • It is constantly being updated with new features and capabilities. The Rewing.ai team is committed to making this tool the best AI-powered process documentation tool.

Pricing: The pricing for Rewind.ai starts at $100 per month, per regular update.

6. Hugging Face for natural language processing

Hugging Face is an open-source software company that provides a suite of tools and resources for natural language processing (NLP). It is a popular choice for developers building NLP applications, including JavaScript and Python programmers.

Key features:

  • Pre-trained models: Hugging Face provides a library of pre-trained language models that can be used for various NLP tasks, such as text classification, question answering, and machine translation.

  • Datasets: Hugging Face also provides a library of datasets for NLP tasks. These datasets are well-organised and easy to use and can be used to train and evaluate NLP models.

  • Tools: It provides tools for NLP development, such as tokenisers, transformers, and training scripts. These tools make it easy for developers to build and train NLP models.

Some singularities:

  • Hugging Face is an open-source project.

  • It has a large and active community of users and contributors. This means that a wealth of support is available for developers using Hugging Face to build NLP applications.

  • It has a growing ecosystem of tools and resources built on the Hugging Face Transformers library. This ecosystem makes it easier for developers to build and deploy NLP applications.

  • Hugging Face 🤗 has one of the best project names on the Internet.

Pricing: Hugging Face has a free plan, but it offers a Pro plan for $9 a month for those who want to contribute financially.

7. Figstack for code understanding

Figstack is an AI-powered code reading tool that can help developers understand code written in any language. It uses various techniques, including machine learning and natural language processing, to understand code and generate accurate and easy-to-understand explanations.

Key features:

  • Code explanation: Figstack can explain code in natural language, making it easier for developers to understand what the code is doing.

  • Code analysis: The tool can analyse code for potential errors, security vulnerabilities, and performance issues.

  • Code documentation generation: Figstack can generate documentation for code, including documentation for specific functions, classes, and modules.

  • Code translation: It can translate code from one language to another.

Some singularities:

  • Figstack can explain code in any language. This makes it a valuable tool for developers with multiple programming languages.

  • Figstack can be used to explain code in contexts. It can be used to explain code that is being written, code that is being reviewed, and code that is being debugged.

Pricing: Figstack has a free plan with 30 credits per month; subsequently, the starter plan comes at $9 a month.

8. Codepeer.ai for website generation

Codepeer.ai is an AI-powered website generation tool that can help developers to create websites quickly and easily, without having to write any code. It uses plenty of techniques found on other AIs, including machine learning and natural language processing, to generate websites that are responsive, accessible, and SEO-friendly.

Key features:

  • AI-powered website generation: Codepeer.ai can create websites from simple text descriptions. This makes it easy for developers to create websites without having to write any code.

  • Responsive design: It generates responsive websites, meaning that they will look good and function well on all devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

  • Accessibility: It creates websites that are accessible to people with disabilities. This means that the websites can be used by people with visual, hearing, and other disabilities.

  • SEO-friendly: Codepeer.ai generates SEO-friendly websites, meaning they are more likely to rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Some singularities: Codeeper.ai can quickly generate websites and is very affordable.

Pricing: Codeeper.ai has a very short-living free plan; it starts at $10 monthly if you really want to build a website.

9. Stepsize AI for code debugging

Stepsize AI is an AI-powered tool that can help developers debug code more quickly and easily. Stepsize AI can be used for various tasks, including debugging new code, existing code, debugging code reviews and production code.

Key features:

  • AI-powered code debugging: Stepsize AI can identify and fix bugs in code using AI. This makes it easier for developers to debug code without spending hours manually inspecting code.

  • Root cause analysis: It can identify the root cause of bugs in code and suggest fixes.

  • Collaboration:  The tool allows developers to collaborate on debugging projects. This makes it easy for teams to work together to debug code.

Some singularities:

  • Stepsize AI is very accurate at identifying and fixing bugs in code.

  • It is speedy at debugging code. It can debug code in seconds or minutes, even for complex codebases.

  • It is effortless to use. Developers can start debugging code with Stepsize AI in just a few minutes.

Pricing: Stepsize AI begins at $100 per month per regular update.

10. Mutable.ai to generate high-quality code

Mutable.ai is an AI-powered code generation tool that can help developers generate high-quality code quickly and easily.

Key features:

  • AI-powered code generation: Mutable.ai can generate code from simple text descriptions. This makes it easy for developers to generate code without writing it themselves.
  • Collaboration: It allows developers to collaborate on code generation projects.

Some singularities: Mutable generates maintainable code. This is because Mutable.ai uses various techniques to make the code it generates easy to read and understand.

Pricing: Mutable.ai offers a free plan and other plans with varying features. The Basic plan costs $10 per month per seat

10 AI Tools for Developers

October 17, 2023
min read

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