September 30, 2024
min read

CODE100 Live Day challenge -"Scavenger Hunt" solution and winners

Chris Heilmann

At last week's WeAreDevelopers LIVE day we released a new CODE100 challenge, this time a Scavenger Hunt where we hid parts of an overall message inside an HTML document and its assets. The overall message was:

Hi, my name is Werner Brandes. My voice is my passport. Verify Me. I hacked the Gibson. David, computers don't call people! Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.

These were quotes from famous hacker movies. Up to "verify me" is from Sneakers, the next is from Hackers, then Wargames and ending with a Houdini quote from Swordfish.

Here is how to find them  using browser developer tools and MacOS finder.

  • Part one was white text on white background (an old SEO/Prompt injection trick), so highlighting the page with CMD|Ctrl+A was enough.
  • Part two was in the source of the page, which means you needed to look at "view source". Using the developer tools Elements tool would not work as it shows the DOM after CSS/JS interaction.
  • Part three needed you to use the keyboard to access the link in the page as it uses focus visible.
  • Part four was an audio file in an audio element without controls. So either open the MP3 in a new tab or add a controls attribute to it,
  • Part five was in localStorage, so either use In developer tools or the console to read it.
  • Part six was part of the logo but cut off in CSS, so either remove the CSS clip or open the image in a new tab.
  • Part seven is part of the EXIF data of the image, so either do an info view on Finder/Explorer, use cat in the terminal or exiftool.

We had quite a few submissions and a Math.random() on them all came up with two winners who will move on to the CODE100 final in Berlin in July 2025 at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress!  These are:

Utku Güçlü and Nicole Jeschko!

See you next time!

CODE100 Live Day challenge -"Scavenger Hunt" solution and winners

September 30, 2024
min read

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