June 9, 2022
min read

What Industries Outside of AI Are Hiring The Most AI Experts?

Prashant Pujara

Today the digitalized world is at its peak; we have many intelligent people in this world whose mind is full of creative ideas and techniques. The most commonly used method nowadays is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is nothing but intelligently creating artificial things. It is advanced techniques of newest tools and methods using the creative and more intelligent way and creating something special which help you to move and storage of goods.

Industrial Artificial intelligence is often different from other types of Artificial Intelligence because it is more focused on applying AI technologies than human-like structures or human-like systems. This is used in industries to store goods and supply chain management.

Process manufacturers are mostly using Artificial Intelligence to optimization of operational efficiency. Innovation ideas and improve profitability. It is the platform for the young genius who has disruptive and innovative ideas of the century.

The industries which prefer to have artificial intelligence outside the industries are professional and scientific, finance and insurance. Even manufacturing, information, educational services, healthcare and social Assistance, Administrative and support, public administration, retail, and construction are the industries which are hiring artificial intelligence other than AI industries.

In the current scenario, the Artificial intelligence has many job openings for the various position are available; below are the various posts that have job openings in the year 2022 in the service and manufacturing industries are as follows:

Careers in Artificial Intelligence

There are many careers in AI; it is not homogenous but can perform various works like processing the application, verifying the dignity of the system control, etc. We will see the position in AI is as follows:

Machine Learning engineer

Machine Learning Engineers are persons who know software Engineering and Data Science. They have the tools and programming to create a programming framework, data science models etc.

Data scientists

Data scientists collect data, analyze them, and bifurcate them according to the requirement of the system, and it helps use technology, Processes algorithm, and extract data and patterns.

Business intelligence developer

They develop complex internal and external data to identify the needs and trends in financial services, which could be monitoring the stock market and data to help investment decisions.

Research scientists

They are one of the popular and academically high careers in AI. They are knowledgeable people who want to develop their skills in areas of knowledge and multiple disciplines, including mathematics, science, good graphical computer knowledge, etc.

Big Data engineer

These people can develop an ecosystem which enables various verticals and technologies. Compared to data scientists, this role can have more responsibilities and creativity of the people and need knowledge of the various verticals of the engineers and architects.

Countries that offer career openings in AI

Some countries offer good pay and excellent career openings in the Artificial Intelligence are as follows:

United States

The US is the leader in the AI sector and machine learning techniques. Also, the AI industries in the US are spending a million dollars. There are 10000 positions available in the different sectors. US has 20 AI and other companies that prefer to hire Creative and innovative talented artists.


After the US, the second countries that hire AI experts are Canada. The growth rate of the companies is double time faster than the countries in UK and US. The companies that hire AI skills in Canada are Royal Bank of Canada, IBM, SCOTIABANK, KPMG, Amazon, LoyaltyOne, TD Bank, Kinaxis, Huawei, and CapitalOne.


Europe lacks people in digital skills; especially they lack AI and ML. In the UK, the salary is average, so they have to call specified skilled employees from outside or outsource them from other countries. The industry named Finland's digital game industry is aggressively recruiting digital experts from India, China, Russia, and the US.


The 4th country in the world that has the highest demand for an AI employee is China; they want to be the leader by 2030 in this sector. The nation has already established itself as a global leader in AI. There is a lack of talent shortage, they need nearly 5 million professionals in this field, and the job market cants able to fill this post.


India is still in a testing position but able to take the 5th position due to digital India introduced IT industries looking forward to introducing the new talents and currently we have outsourcing 50% of the workforce were equipped with digital skills.

Companies hiring Artificial Intelligence other than AI industries

Other than the games and animation industries, some companies require AI interference in other sectors like service-oriented companies; oil and steel industries also require AI skilled employees. According to the survey made by Glassdoor found, the average annual salary in this sector is quite amazing and loving.

Some industries other than the AI sector are as follows:

  • Amazon
  • Microsoft
  • IBM
  • Accenture
  • Facebook
  • Intel
  • Samsung
  • Lenovo
  • MoTexTechnogies
  • Uber
  • PCOInvention
  • Rakuten Marketing
  • Wells Fargo

How does the industrial AI improve productivity in process plants

Suppose the industries can afford the automated workflows. In that case, it will increase safety and improve supply chain management. Improving performance will cut down the time, and the consumption of the labor force will be affordable and reach operational efficiency. This will reduce the labor cost, and it will remove the roadblocks. This will lead to the profitability of the companies and maintain the decorum and help to distinguish between the fake and real quality products.

Why should we consider AI?

Artificial intelligence is a creative idea that can transform the current market scenario, and the market can turn a leap to transform the market upside down. Learning this person can change the financial market and cause a blow to the poor, but it is easy to understand them, and learning new skills can lead the world to achieve modernization and improve many talents in the world.


Artificial intelligence is the great transformer of the digital world. If the world faces this technique, there are no labor issues, and a high level of services leads to development in many sectors. High values and virtues and adequately implementing lead to economic growth, gather knowledge, and offer high-value services to society. Sometimes advanced technology leads to cause disruption and fluctuation in humanity, so choosing any career, choose the best one and find out whether you are confident to do it. Hence artificial intelligence plays a very important role in the country's development. In the most important sectors, AI will bring the biggest transformation that will change the future of the world. 

What Industries Outside of AI Are Hiring The Most AI Experts?

June 9, 2022
min read

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