Active Sourcing FAQ

Michaela Moser
Head of Sourcing

Whenever companies want to start or improve their active sourcing activities they find themselves with a ton of questions. We have collected the most frequently asked questions and provide orientation with personal “lessons-learned” and “best practices” at epunkt.

Download the presentation as a PDF.

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Active Sourcing FAQ

Michaela Moser
Head of Sourcing

Whenever companies want to start or improve their active sourcing activities they find themselves with a ton of questions. We have collected the most frequently asked questions and provide orientation with personal “lessons-learned” and “best practices” at epunkt.

Download the presentation as a PDF.

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Active Sourcing FAQ
Michaela Moser
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Active Sourcing FAQ

Michaela Moser
Head of Sourcing

Whenever companies want to start or improve their active sourcing activities they find themselves with a ton of questions. We have collected the most frequently asked questions and provide orientation with personal “lessons-learned” and “best practices” at epunkt.

Download the presentation as a PDF.

Other videos