React developer salary

According to StackOverflow, the average salary for a React developer is estimated to be $69,500 USD. The expected range for Junior to senior React developers is between $40,000 and $140,000. That’s the range reported by React developers in the US, UK, Germany, Australia, and Canada according to Glassdoor. If you are on the lower end of this range, it might be time to find a new React developer job.

React developer salaries vary from country to country. So let’s go through the top markets for English-speaking software developers and, using data from Glassdoor, explore the median salaries and what you can expect to earn as a junior or senior React developer. We’ve presented this data in USD, and in the table below you can find salary data in local currencies.

React developer salary by experience and country (USD):

For the most accurate salary estimates check out our salary calculator.

Median React developer salaries by country

A React developer in the United States will have very different salary options from a React developer in Europe. And because these country-specific salary bands are so different, the entire worldwide average is lowered. Let’s go through the main markets for English-speaking developers and compare salaries. Salary data is from Glassdoor and has been converted into USD.

The median salary for React developers in the United States is $92,433, making them the highest paid (on average) worldwide. Junior React developers in the U.S. are earning around $73,000 while Senior developers enjoy salaries of $118,000 or higher.

React developers in the United Kingdom have the second-highest salary bracket, they earn a median salary of $56,990 but have one of the lowest average salary ranges. Junior developers are reported to earn $42,000 while Seniors can make around $76,000.

Between Canada and Australia, React developers in Canada earn the highest median salary at $55,000 compared to Australia at $53,000. Junior developers earn $45,000 compared with $43,000 (AUS) and seniors make about the same at $69,000 and $67,000.

React developers in Germany have a median salary of $53,000, with Juniors earning $48,000 on the low end and Seniors earning $65,000 on the high end. Out of all of the aforementioned markets, React developers earn the lowest median salary in Germany and Australia.

React developer salaries in local currencies:

Median: $92,433 £47,013 €50,000 $80,000 $75,674
Low: $73,000 £35,000 €45,000 $65,000 $62,000
High: $118,000 £63,000 €61,000 $100,000 $95,000

React developer salary by role and technology

Let’s compare what React developers earn on average to other frontend frameworks. According to StackOverflow, Svelte developers earn the most at $71,202, which is slightly higher than React developers at $69,480. When we compare React salaries to the other popular frontend frameworks, we find that React developers earn around $10K more than Vue.js, Angular, and JQuery developers.

Frontend framework salary by technology (USD):

Average React developer salary over time

Here is the average React developer salary by year in US dollars for developers in the United States and worldwide. This is JavaScript and React salary data from the StackOverflow survey (2015-2022).

React developer salary over time US versus Worldwide (USD):

The lowest and highest React developer salaries reported

The highest reported React developer salaries are reported in the United States where react developers can earn anywhere from $151,000–$248,000 (Meta). The highest react developer salaries are from big tech companies using React such as Meta, Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb.

The highest-earning React developers are Senior frontend developers, who are probably skilled in multiple web frameworks and work in the United States. The lowest salaries for React developers are in India. In terms of Western countries, entry-level React developers in the UK are earning on average $40,000 which is $30K difference from U.S. developers who earn an average entry-level salary of $73,000.

Top paying locations for React developers

San Francisco is the highest paying city for React developers with an average salary of $117,000. Second is New York at $102,000 and Sydney at $71,000. London offers higher pay than both Paris and Berlin but still a lot less than the United States. Paris, Berlin, and Toronto offer very similar salaries for React developers.

Median React developer salary by city (USD):

Top paying companies for software developers

Knowing that software developers and frontend developers get paid a lot more on average in the United States, we’ve taken a list of the top-paying companies in the United States, and their reported developer salaries. The top-paying companies for software developers, according to, are 1) Clubhouse, 2) PDT Partners, 3) Hudson River Trading, 4) Netflix, and 5) Coupang.

Rank Company Title Compensation (USD)
1 Clubhouse $726,000
2 PDT Partners Associate $600,000
3 Hudson River Trading $600,000
4 Netflix E5 $525,000
5 Coupang L6-I $430,000
6 Citadel L3 $425,000
7 Jane Street New Grad $425,000
8 CloudKitchens L5 $420,000
9 Airbnb G9 $420,000
10 Stripe L3 $416,000
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