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From event streaming to event sourcing 101
Gerard Klijs - 3 years ago
Rather than advocating to go full on event sourcing I will share my experiences using event sourcing in different degrees. You will learn some of the key aspects of event sourcing, and how to implement the ideas in a practical way. With a couple of examples from the trenches I will go from event streaming to full event sourcing. Along the way describing the pro's and con's about making the architecture more about events and less about state. In practice most examples were implemented using Apache Kafka, so that will come up. But for the sake of the talk it could be a message queue in most cases. For the full event sourcing solution the framework Axon will be used. This is also the exception to the rule. As it's not a real world example. But a demo using cqrs, that originally was built with Apache Kafka.
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