What is the average salary in Italy?

Avg. salary per year

35,561 EUR

Avg. salary per month

2,963 EUR

According to the OECD, the average salary in Italy is 35,561 EUR per year or 2,963 EUR per month. This figure is 23.17% less than the global OECD average. However, the average income is considered a good salary for a single individual living in Italy.

It's important to note that the above figures will vary based on several factors. In this article, we explore not only the average salary in Italy but also break it down further and analyse the average salaries based on profession, industry and location.

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What is a good salary in Italy?

If we consider a single professional who lives in a one-bedroom apartment just outside the city centre of Florence, the total monthly expenses, including rent, would be around 1,829.0€, according to Numbeo. However, this amount is still within the average monthly salary of 2,963.48€, which means there is enough money left for savings and “fun” expenses.

Average salary in Italy by city

Below is a breakdown of the average salary in Italy by city. Please note that all salary information from this point in the article has been obtained from PayScale.

City Average Annual Salary
Venice €35,000
Florence €39,000
Rome €36,000
Bologna €35,000
Milan €39,000
Naples €32,000
Pisa €34,000
Modena €38,000
Ferrara €29,000
Taranto €29,000

Cities with higher populations, like Florence and Milan, typically offer higher average salaries compared to less populated cities such as Ferrara and Taranto. This pattern aligns with the global trend where urban areas with higher populations tend to have higher average incomes.

Average salary in Italy by industry

The following data displays the most in-demand job sectors in Italy and their average salaries:

Industry Average Annual Salary
Transport €39,000
Marketing €42,052
Engineering (IT) €31,849
Hospitality €30,200

As you can see from the above data, marketing emerges as the most lucrative field, followed closely by the transport industry.

Average salary in Italy by profession

Now you know the most popular job industries, let's dive further into each one. We’ve identified the most popular jobs in each field and provided their average salaries

1. Transport

Italy's economy heavily relies on the transportation industry, contributing to about 8% of the country's GDP and providing employment to over 1 million individuals. This industry is quite advanced and offers various modes of transportation like roads, rails, sea, and air.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Logistics Manager €48,303
Heavy Truck Driver €26,000
Locomotive Engineer €50,587

2. Marketing

The marketing industry in Italy is worth an estimated 8.4 billion euros, and it is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. The industry is highly competitive, with a number of large international and domestic agencies operating in the market.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Marketing Manager €42,052
Social media manager €19,653
Marketing director €86,556

3. Engineering (IT)

The IT industry in Italy is rapidly growing, with a high demand for skilled IT workers. The industry is worth around 100 billion euros and provides jobs for over 1 million people.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Software engineer €31,849
Data scientist €30,932
Security Architect €45,000

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4. Hospitality

Italy is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world, with over 63 million international visitors in 2022. This makes the hospitality industry vital to the Italian economy.

Profession Average Annual Salary
Waiter/Waitress €17,000
Head Chef €75,000
Hotel Manager €42,500

Average salary in Italy by the highest-paid profession

Italy's highest-paid professions are typically in finance, technology, engineering, and medicine. Some of the highest-paid job roles in Italy include.

Profession Average Annual Salary
General Surgeon €58,958
Anesthesiologist €69,479
Radiologist €42,500
Lawyer €40,000
Investment Banker €41,000
Management Consultant €38,774
Commercial airline pilot €56,000

Average salary in Italy by age

According to Statista, the following data displays the average annual net household income, categorised by the age of the primary income earner.

Age Average Annual Salary
Up to 35 years €26,758
35 - 44 years €31,747
45 - 54 years €34,753
55 - 64 years €39,291
65 years and over €27,156

Average salary in Italy by education level

The following data shows the average annual salary of employees who hold a university degree, according to Statista.

Degree Type Average Annual Salary
Bachelor €31,773
Masters, 1st level €44,807
5 years diploma €45,595
Masters, 2nd level €58,617

Average salaries in other European countries

Country Average Annual Salary (Euros)
Switzerland Flag Switzerland €84,159
Norway Flag Norway €56,810
Denmark Flag Denmark €49,850
Germany Flag Germany €49,260
Finland Flag Finland €47,688
Sweden Flag Sweden €43,690
Netherlands Flag Netherlands €42,236
France Flag France €39,800
Italy Flag Italy €35,561
Austria Flag Austria €31,407
United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom €30,031
Spain Flag Spain €29,113
Slovenia Flag Slovenia €27,350
Estonia Flag Estonia €22,850
Portugal Flag Portugal €22,000
Poland Flag Poland €20,390
Czechia Flag Czechia €19,200
Hungary Flag Hungary €18,807
Croatia Flag Croatia €16,440
Greece Flag Greece €15,335

From the information given, we can see that Germany has the highest average yearly pay. It's about 38.52% more than what Italy offers. However, Switzerland has a much bigger difference with an impressive 108.99% higher salary than Italy.

Factors to consider regarding the average salary in Italy

It’s important to remember that average salaries in Italy can vary significantly depending on different factors. For example, salaries tend to be higher in cities like Milan and Rome compared to smaller towns.

Here are some other factors to consider:

  1. Industry: The type of job someone has can greatly affect how much money they make. Some fields, like finance, technology, and manufacturing, usually have jobs that pay more than others.
  1. Skills: Specialised skills, which are often rarer skills that most people don't possess, are often rewarded with higher salaries. Some examples of specialised skills are data analysing, UX writing and Cybersecurity expertise.
  1. Experience: Generally, individuals with more years of experience are likely to earn higher salaries. For example, a store manager with 10+ years of experience may earn more than a first-year full-stack developer.
  1. Company size and reputation: Larger and more established companies often have greater financial resources, which can translate into higher employee salaries.
  1. Cost of living: Higher salaries are often found in areas with higher living costs to compensate for the increased expenses.
  1. Collective bargaining agreements: Italy has a strong tradition of collective bargaining agreements between employers and trade unions. These agreements can establish minimum wages and salary scales for specific industries or job roles, affecting the average salary in those sectors.
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