What is the average salary in Denmark?

Avg. salary per person

371,900 DKK

Avg. salary family with children after tax

673,300 DKK

The average salary per person in Denmark is 371,900 Kr, which is approximately €49,850 or $53,750 USD. The average salary in Denmark per month is 30,990 Kr or €4,154 – and after tax, the average monthly salary is approximately €2,798 (20,875 Kr).

The average salary for a family with children (after tax) is 673,300 Kr, approximately €90,250 or $97,320. These income figures are from Statistics Denmark (DST), unfortunately, DST is yet to report salary data for 2023 so current salary figures are still based on data from 2022.

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What is the average salary in Copenhagen?

Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark, and being a hub for businesses and job opportunities, the average income per person tends to range higher. According to Statista, the average salary in Copenhagen is 624,000 Kr (52,000 Kr per month) or €83,640 (€6,970 per month). The average person in Copenhagen is earning €40,000 more per year than the average person in Denmark. Latest data is from 2022 and might not accurately reflect current earnings in 2024.

Personal income per person by socio-economic status

Here we can see the income data in Denmark by socio-economic status. Top earners in Denmark are employed managers (including executive leadership roles), they are on average earning 1,070,000 Kr (€143,000) annually. Next are people classed as self-employed, then employees of each experience level (high, medium, basic). At the very bottom of the income graph are students and people who are not working or receiving stable welfare benefits.

What percentage of people are in lower, middle and upper income classes in Denmark? According to Pew research (2010), 80% of Danes are middle income earners, 7% are upper income earners, and 14% are lower income earners. Anyone earning less than 185,000 Kr (€24,797) per year is considered to be in the lower income bracket. (Low income is an indicator that measures the number of people living in families with a total income that is lower than 50 or 60 percent of the median income.)

Statistics Denmark (DST)

Minimum wage Denmark

As of 2024, there is no minimum wage in Denmark. That being the case, there are some instances where unions in some fields will negotiate a set hourly wage. There are also collective work agreements for some trades.

Workers in Denmark are suggesting that a wage of 120-135 Kr (€16-18) per hour is common for low skilled part-time jobs.

What is a good salary in Denmark?

It’s hard to say what’s considered a good salary in Denmark, as this will depend on a where you live (cost of living, avg. wages, job opportunities) and your spending habits. Let’s take an example of a full-time worker in Copenhagen.

While the average salary in Copenhagen is 52,000 Kr per month, a good salary in the city is considered to be around 40,000 Kr before tax. This works out to around 26,000 Kr after tax, and is considered by locals to be the minium one would need to live alone and have additional spending money. Of course, you can this can be done on less, but we are discussing a salary that would allow for a more comfortable experience in a major city.

Taxes in Denmark

When considering salary and cost of living in Denmark, you should always take into consideration your taxable income. Taxes range from 8% all the way up to 55%. If you’re a full-time worker, you’ll most likely be paying around 30-40% of your income to the government.

There is a local tax and a state tax, plus some other deductions (like mandatory pension contributions) to be paid from your monthly salary. To calculate your earnings in Denmark after tax you can use this tax calculator, it’ll give you a breakdown of where your money is going. As an example, if you are earning 30,990 Kr per month (the avg.) then you can expect to receive 20,595 Kr after tax (33.2%).

Highest paying occupations in Denmark

According to Statista, chief executives, senior officials, and legislators in Denmark have the highest average monthly salary at 111,523 Kr. They are followed by administrative and commercial managers, who earn an average of 80,750 Kr per month. Production and specialised services managers also earn a significant amount, with an average monthly salary of 70,172 Kr.

At the lower end of the spectrum, hospitality, retail, and other services managers earn the least, with an average monthly salary of 51,545 Kr. Overall, there is a notable disparity in earnings across different professions in Denmark, with top executives earning more than double the amount of those in the lowest-earning management roles.

Source: Statista

Average salaries in other European countries

Country Average Annual Salary (Euros)
Switzerland Flag Switzerland €84,159
Norway Flag Norway €56,810
Denmark Flag Denmark €49,850
Germany Flag Germany €49,260
Finland Flag Finland €47,688
Sweden Flag Sweden €43,690
Netherlands Flag Netherlands €42,236
France Flag France €39,800
Italy Flag Italy €35,561
Austria Flag Austria €31,407
United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom €30,031
Spain Flag Spain €29,113
Slovenia Flag Slovenia €27,350
Estonia Flag Estonia €22,850
Portugal Flag Portugal €22,000
Poland Flag Poland €20,390
Czechia Flag Czechia €19,200
Hungary Flag Hungary €18,807
Croatia Flag Croatia €16,440
Greece Flag Greece €15,335
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