What is the average salary in Slovenia?

Avg. salary per person

27,992 EUR

Avg. salary per month

2,332 EUR

The average salary per person per year in Slovenia is €27,992, which is approximately $30,328 USD. The average salary in Slovenia per month is €2,332 – and after tax, the average monthly salary is approximately €1,480. This is from the latest data reported by Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office (SURS) (March 2024).

The average household income (after tax) is around €23,305 per year or $25,250 USD. These income figures are from OECD – they do not list a year on their website, so we can’t say if these figures are from 2022 or 2023.

What is the average salary in Ljubljana?

Ljubljana is the capital city of Slovenia, and being a hub for businesses and job opportunities, the average income per person tends to range higher. According to SURS, the average salary in Ljubljana was €2,343 per month or €28,116 annually. Since this data is from 2022, the average salary today is probably slightly higher than this figure.

Here is a map of Slovenia with the average gross salary per region (2022):

Minimum wage Slovenia

As of 2024, the minimum wage in Slovenia is set at €1,254 (gross) per month. Slovenia has the eighth-highest minimum wage in Europe. The minimum wage is based on 40-hour work week, therefore if an employee works these hours they are making (at a minimum) €6.96 an hour.

What is a good salary in Slovenia?

To answer this question, we have to factor in where are you going to live (Ljubljana or the countryside?), where you come from and the type of lifestyle you would like to maintain (car, travel, etc). Let’s take an individual living in Ljubljana for example, the average salary after tax, ~€1,500, will offer a mildly-comfortable experience. If you’ve got a car or a family to support, this is probably not enough in the city.

For a comfortable experience and some saving money, you probably want expenses to claim no more than half your income. If you can get that down to one-third, then you’re in a good position to save and have a decent safety net should anything go wrong.

For expats, a good salary might look quite different. From Western Europe, you are probably expecting to earn €2,500+ after taxes. This is more than enough for Slovenia, and well above the average.

Taxes in Slovenia

When considering salary and cost of living in Slovenia, you should always take into consideration your taxable income. Taxes range from 16% all the way up to 50% – depending on your earning bracket. If you’re a full-time worker, making the average income, you’ll most likely be paying around 35-40% of your income to the government.

Included in tax (around 16%), there is also the social security contributions, which takes another 20% from your income. To calculate your earnings in Slovenia after tax, you can use a tax calculator to give you a breakdown of where your money is going. As an example, if you are earning €25,000 per year then you can expect to receive an income of €15,287 after tax (38.85% reduction) or €1,274 per month.

Highest paying occupations in Slovenia

The top ten highest-paying positions in Slovenia, according to Boljsaplaca. Chief Executive Officers lead with an average monthly salary of 6,459 EUR, followed by IT Directors at 5,969 EUR. Sales Directors and Call Centre Directors also earn high salaries, at 5,505 EUR and 5,413 EUR respectively. Leasing Directors earn 5,304 EUR, while Branch Directors and Technical Directors receive 5,254 EUR and 4,984 EUR respectively. Pilots earn 4,836 EUR, Economic/Financial Managers earn 4,782 EUR, and IT Architects make 4,697 EUR. These roles, particularly in management and technology, offer significant earning potential in Slovenia.

Average salaries in other European countries

Country Average Annual Salary (Euros)
Switzerland Flag Switzerland €84,159
Norway Flag Norway €56,810
Denmark Flag Denmark €49,850
Germany Flag Germany €49,260
Finland Flag Finland €47,688
Sweden Flag Sweden €43,690
Netherlands Flag Netherlands €42,236
France Flag France €39,800
Italy Flag Italy €35,561
Austria Flag Austria €31,407
United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom €30,031
Spain Flag Spain €29,113
Slovenia Flag Slovenia €27,350
Estonia Flag Estonia €22,850
Portugal Flag Portugal €22,000
Poland Flag Poland €20,390
Czechia Flag Czechia €19,200
Hungary Flag Hungary €18,807
Croatia Flag Croatia €16,440
Greece Flag Greece €15,335
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