
WeAreDevelopers is committed to applying best-practices for the organization and operation of environment-friendly events. We want to walk the talk - and we ask our attendees to step on this path with us together.

Our conference is at the forefront of the world’s latest developments and discoveries. We also want to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and that is why we strive to make WeAreDevelopers World Congress a sustainable event.

Since sustainability is a significant and a long tradition in Berlin, the city is the best place for events that are both socially and ecologically responsible while also economically successful.

As we all know, many people travel regularly on business or go abroad for specific events in other regions or cities. For Germany, congresses and other events are a major economic factor for the local economy and an important source of expert know-how.

However, large events are also subject to substantial consumption of resources and cause ecologically emissions – 3.5 kg of residual waste, 5.5 kg of waste paper, 151 liters of water, and 204 kg of CO2 per attendee per day – these alarming figures reflect the environmental impact of conferences.

Due to these concerns, we value improved energy efficiency, waste minimization and environment-friendly behavior and ways of travel to and from the venue as the hallmarks of sustainable events.

Such actions help avoid mountains of un-recycled goods, prevent unsustainable volumes of traffic, stimulate the regional economy through local sourcing of products and services and follow socially responsible management principles.